Tagore, Debendranath

Tagore, Debendranath
born May 15, 1817, Calcutta, India
died Jan. 19, 1905, Calcutta

Hindu philosopher and religious reformer.

Born into a wealthy landowning family, he was educated in both Eastern and Western philosophy. Striving to purge Hinduism of abuses, he spoke vehemently against suttee and tried to bring education within the reach of all. He was active in the Brahmo Samaj. In his zeal to erase idolatry and undemocratic practices, he rejected the Vedas as deficient in dictating guidelines for human behaviour. Failing to find a middle path between radical rationalism and Brahman conservatism, he retired from public life. He was known as the Great Sage. Rabindranath Tagore was his son.

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▪ Hindu philosopher
Debendranath also spelled  Devendranath , Bengali  Debendranāth Ṭhākur 
born May 15, 1817, Calcutta, India
died Jan. 19, 1905, Calcutta

      Hindu philosopher and religious reformer, active in the Brahmo Samaj (“Society of Brahmā,” also translated as “Society of God”), which purged the Hindu religion and way of life of many abuses.

      Born into a wealthy landowning family, Tagore began his formal education at the age of nine; he was instructed in India's classical language, Sanskrit, in Persian, in English, and in Western philosophy. He became a close friend of his younger fellow reformer Keshab Chunder Sen. Tagore spoke out vehemently against suttee (self-immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pyre), a practice that was especially prevalent in Bengal. Together, Tagore and Sen attempted to raise the Indian literacy rate and to bring education within the reach of all. Unlike Sen, however, Tagore remained a more conservative Hindu, while Sen drifted toward Christianity. This philosophical break between the two men eventually resulted in a schism within the Brahmo Samaj in 1866.

      Tagore, in his zeal to erase Hindu idolatry as well as divisive and undemocratic practices, finally rejected the whole of the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures, claiming that no set of writings, however venerable, could furnish complete and satisfying guidelines to human activity. Failing to find a middle path between radical rationalism and fanatical Brahman conservatism, Tagore retired from public life, although he continued to instruct a small band of followers. In 1863 he founded Śantiniketan (Shantiniketan) (“Abode of Peace”), a retreat in rural Bengal later made famous by his poet son Rabindranath Tagore (Tagore, Rabindranath), whose educational centre there became an international university. Until his death Tagore bore the title Maharishi (“Great Sage”).

      Tagore's voluminous writings were in his native Bengali. One of his books was translated into English, Vedantic Doctrines Vindicated (1845). His Brahmo-Dharma (1854; “The Religion of God”), a commentary in Bengali on the Sanskrit scriptures, is considered to be a masterpiece.

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