Strassmann, Fritz

Strassmann, Fritz
born Feb. 22, 1902, Boppard, Ger.
died April 22, 1980, Mainz, W.Ger.

German physical chemist.

He helped develop the method of rubidium-strontium dating widely used in geochronology. Beginning in 1934, he joined Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner in their investigations of the radioactive products formed when uranium is bombarded by neutrons. In 1938 they discovered lighter elements produced from the neutron bombardment, which were the result of the splitting of the uranium atom into two lighter atoms (nuclear fission). In 1946 he joined the faculty at the University of Mainz, where he established the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (later the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry), and he directed the chemistry department at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (194553).

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German chemist
born Feb. 22, 1902, Boppard, Ger.
died April 22, 1980, Mainz, W.Ger.

      German physical chemist who, with Otto Hahn (Hahn, Otto), discovered neutron-induced nuclear fission in uranium (1938) and thereby opened the field of atomic energy.

      Strassmann received his Ph.D. from the Technical University in Hannover in 1929. He helped develop the rubidium-strontium method of dating widely used in geochronology. Beginning in 1934 he joined Hahn and Lise Meitner (Meitner, Lise) in their investigations of the radioactive products formed when uranium is bombarded by neutrons. Strassmann's mastery of analytic chemistry contributed to the team's recognition of the lighter elements produced from neutron bombardment, which were the result of the splitting of the uranium atom into two lighter atoms.

      After serving briefly on the staffs of the Hannover and Kaiser Wilhelm institutes (destroyed in 1944), Strassmann in 1946 became professor of inorganic and nuclear chemistry at the University of Mainz, where he established the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (later the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry). From 1945 to 1953 he was director of the chemistry department at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry.

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