Steinem, Gloria

Steinem, Gloria
born March 25, 1934, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.

U.S. political activist, feminist, and editor.

She began her career as a writer and journalist in New York and became deeply involved in the women's liberation movement in the late 1960s. In 1971 she was a founder of the National Women's Political Caucus, and in 1972 she founded Ms., a trendsetting magazine that she subsequently edited, to treat contemporary issues from a feminist perspective. In the 1970s and '80s she founded or cofounded other women's organizations, including the National Organization for Women. Her books include Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions (1983), Marilyn (1986), and Revolution from Within (1992).

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▪ American feminist
born March 25, 1934, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.
 American feminist, political activist, and editor, an articulate advocate of the women's liberation movement (women's movement) during the late 20th century.

      Steinem spent her early years traveling with her parents in a house trailer. After their divorce in 1946, Gloria settled with her mother in Toledo, Ohio, and for the first time began attending school on a regular basis. Her childhood was marked by the added responsibility of taking care of her mother, who was chronically depressed. During her senior year of high school, Steinem moved to Washington, D.C., to live with her older sister.

      In 1956 Steinem graduated from Smith College and went to India on a scholarship. In India she participated in nonviolent protests against government policy there. She began working as a writer and journalist in New York City in 1960. Steinem gained attention in 1963 with her article “I Was a Playboy Bunny,” which recounted her experience as a scantily clad waitress at Hugh Hefner's Playboy Club. By 1968 Steinem's work had become more overtly political. She began writing a column, “The City Politic,” for New York magazine. Her involvement in feminism intensified in 1968 when she attended a meeting of a radical feminist group, the Redstockings. Proud of her feminist roots—her paternal grandmother had served as president of the Ohio Women's Suffrage Association from 1908 to 1911—Steinem founded the National Women's Political Caucus in July 1971 with Betty Friedan (Friedan, Betty), Bella Abzug (Abzug, Bella), and Shirley Chisholm (Chisholm, Shirley). That same year she began exploring the possibility of a new magazine for women, one that treated contemporary issues from a feminist perspective. The result was Ms. magazine, which first appeared as an insert in the December 1971 issue of New York.

      Throughout the late 1970s and the '80s, Steinem gave much of her time to political organizations and became an articulate advocate for the women's liberation movement. She participated in the founding of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, Voters for Choice, and Women Against Pornography. Her publications include Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions (1983), a collection of essays; Revolution from Within (1992), a work on self-esteem for women; and Moving Beyond Words (1994).

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  • STEINEM, GLORIA — (1934– ), U.S. feminist, writer, speaker, co founder and contributor to Ms. Magazine, which became the most prominent mass circulation feminist journal published and edited by women, from its inception in 1972 until it was sold in the 1980s. Born …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Steinem,Gloria — Stein·em (stīʹnəm), Gloria. Born 1934. American feminist, writer, and a founding editor (1972) of Ms. magazine. * * * …   Universalium

  • Steinem, Gloria — (n. 25 mar. 1934, Toledo, Ohio, EE.UU.). Activista política, feminista y editora estadounidense. Comenzó su carrera como escritora y columnista en Nueva York, donde a fines de la década de 1960 se involucró activamente en el movimiento femenino.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Steinem — Gloria Steinem bei einer Pressekonferenz, der Women s Action Alliance, am 12. Januar 1972 Gloria Marie Steinem (* 25. März 1934 in Toledo (Ohio), Ohio) ist eine US amerikanische Feministin, Journalistin und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gloria Steinem — en enero de 1972 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gloria Steinem — Infobox Person name = Gloria Steinem caption = Gloria Steinem at news conference, Women s Action Alliance, January 12, 1972 birth date = birth date and age|1934|3|25 birth place = nowrap|Toledo, Ohio, USA spouse = David Bale (2000─2003)… …   Wikipedia

  • Gloria — (Del lat. gloria.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Fama u honor que alcanzan algunas personas debido a sus obras o actos. SINÓNIMO celebridad loor notoriedad renombre ANTÓNIMO anonimato oscuridad 2 Las obras o los actos que dan lugar a esta fama …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gloria — /glawr ee euh, glohr /, n. 1. Liturgy. a. See Gloria in Excelsis Deo. b. See Gloria Patri. c. the response Gloria tibi, Domine, Glory be to Thee, O Lord. 2. (l.c.) a repetition of one of these. 3. (l.c.) a musical setting for …   Universalium

  • Gloria Steinem — bei einer Pressekonferenz, der Women s Action Alliance, am 12. Januar 1972 Gloria Marie Steinem (* 25. März 1934 in Toledo, Ohio) ist eine US amerikanische Feministin …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gloria Steinem — en 1972 Gloria Marie Steinem (née le 25 mars 1934 à Toledo dans l Ohio) est une féministe américaine, journaliste et promotrice des droits de la femme. Elle est la fondatrice du magazine Ms …   Wikipédia en Français

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