Spyri, Johanna

Spyri, Johanna
orig. Johanna Heusser

born June 12, 1829, Hirzel, Switz.
died July 7, 1901, Zürich

Swiss writer.

Living in Zürich with her lawyer husband, Spyri wrote books, many widely translated, that are imbued with her love of her homeland, feeling for nature, unobtrusive piety, and cheerful wisdom. She is best remembered for her popular novel Heidi (188081), a classic of children's literature about an orphan sent to live with her grandfather in the Swiss mountains.

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Swiss writer
original name  Johanna Heusser 
born June 12, 1827, Hirzel, Switz.
died July 7, 1901, Zürich

      Swiss writer whose Heidi, a book for children, is popular all over the world. Her psychological insight into the child mind, her humour, and her ability to enter into childish joys and sorrows give her books appeal and lasting value.

      After her marriage in 1852 to Bernhard Spyri, a lawyer engaged in editorial work, she moved to Zürich. Her love of homeland, feeling for nature, unobtrusive piety, and cheerful wisdom gave both her work and her life their unique quality. Her books include Ein Blatt auf Vronys Grab (1870; “A Leaf from Vrony's Grave”), Heidi, 2 vol. (188081), Heimatlos (1881), and Gritli (1882).

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