Sperry, Roger

Sperry, Roger
born Aug. 20, 1913, Hartford, Conn., U.S.
died April 17, 1994, Pasadena, Calif.

U.S. neurobiologist.

He earned a doctorate in zoology from the University of Chicago. He studied functional specialization in the hemispheres of the cerebral cortex, examining animals and then humans with epilepsy in whose brains the corpus callosum had been severed. His research showed that the left side of the brain is normally dominant for analytical and verbal tasks and the right for spatial tasks, music, and certain other areas. His techniques laid the groundwork for much more specialized explorations. He shared a 1981 Nobel Prize with David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel.

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  • Sperry, Roger Wolcott — ▪ 1995       U.S. neurobiologist (b. Aug. 20, 1913, Hartford, Conn. d. April 17, 1994, Pasadena, Calif.), conducted fundamental studies on the left and right cerebral hemispheres of the brain and shared the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physiology or… …   Universalium

  • Sperry , Roger Wolcott — (1913–1994) American neurobiologist Sperry, who was born in Hartford, Connecticut, studied psychology at Oberlin College and zoology at the University of Chicago, where he obtained his PhD in 1941. He worked at Harvard, the Yerkes Primate Center …   Scientists

  • Sperry, Roger W. — ► (1913 94) Científico estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología en 1981, junto con D. Hubel y T. Wiesel, por sus descubrimientos sobre las funciones del cerebro humano …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Sperry, Roger — (20 ago. 1913, Hartford, Conn., EE.UU.–17 abr. 1994, Pasadena, Cal.). Neurobiólogo estadounidense. Se doctoró en zoología en la Universidad de Chicago. Estudió la especialización funcional de la corteza de los hemisferios cerebrales, examinando… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Roger Wolcott Sperry — (* 20. August 1913 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA; † 18. April 1994 in Pasadena, Kalifornien, USA) war ein amerikanischer Neurobiologe. Roger Sperry wurde 1913 in Hartford geboren und wuchs in West Hartford auf, wo er die West Hartford High School …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Roger W. Sperry — Roger Wolcott Sperry Roger W. Sperry (20 août 1913 17 avril 1994) est un neurophysiologiste rendu célèbre par ses travaux sur les connexions entre les hémisphères cérébraux, ce qui lui valut un Prix Lasker en 1979 et le Prix Nobel de médecine en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sperry — Roger Wolcott …   Scientists

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