Soros, George

Soros, George
born Aug. 12, 1930, Budapest, Hung.

Hungarian-U.S. financier.

He left his native Hungary in 1944 and settled in London in 1947, where he studied and joined a merchant bank. He moved to New York City in 1956 and initially worked as an analyst of European securities. By 1979 his daring investments and currency speculation brought large profits, some of which he used to found Soros Foundations, dedicated to creating open societies in many eastern European countries and Russia. Other Soros programs have been dedicated to enlarging public debate on a wide range of controversial issues. In 1992 he reached new heights of wealth, making a profit of about $1 billion when Britain devalued the pound sterling, but in 1998 he suffered large losses from currency speculation in Russia.

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▪ 1995

      Whenever turbulence struck world money markets, financial dealers traditionally asked two questions: would currency values change and what would happen to interest rates? During the early 1990s a third question acquired equal importance: what was George Soros doing?

      Soros' status as an almost mythical financier was established in September 1992, when the British government devalued the pound sterling. Through his Quantum group of companies, Soros had sold some $15 billion worth of sterling during the days preceding devaluation, much of it purchased with borrowed money. Afterward, Soros bought back pounds, paid back the money he had borrowed, and made a profit of about $1 billion. Other people also profited from the pound's fall, but the scale of Soros's operations dwarfed those of everyone else. In 1994, however, his instincts appeared to fail him—at least temporarily—as he speculated that the dollar would rise in value against the Japanese yen. Instead, the dollar fell all year, and the Quantum Fund lost some $600 million in February and possibly another $400 million in the autumn.

      Soros was born in Budapest into a prosperous Jewish family on Aug. 12, 1930. His upbringing was disrupted by the Nazis' arrival in 1944. The family split up and used false papers to avoid being sent to concentration camps. In 1947 the family moved to London. Soros studied philosophy under Karl Popper (see OBITUARIES (Popper, Sir Karl Raimund )) at the London School of Economics, but he abandoned his plans to become a philosopher and joined the London merchant bank Singer & Friedlander. In 1956 he moved to New York City, where he worked initially as an analyst of European securities and rapidly made his mark.

      In 1969 he established the Quantum Fund, which subsequently spawned a range of associated companies. His daring investment decisions caused the funds to grow rapidly, but not all his gambles succeeded. He correctly foresaw the worldwide stock market crash of October 1987—but wrongly predicted that Japanese stocks would fall hardest of all.

      By 1979 he had decided to use some of his profits to create a network of philanthropic organizations. Much of the work of the Soros Foundations was directed at Eastern Europe—starting with Hungary, where he awarded scholarships, provided technical assistance, and helped modernize schools and businesses. Even though Hungary was still a communist state, Soros obtained guarantees that his foundation could operate without government interference.

      As the Cold War ended and the Soviet regime collapsed, Soros established foundations in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Russia. Some critics argued that he was being inconsistent—condemning "short-termism" in Western governments while making money from short-term currency speculation. However, he continued to spend significant sums to help establish democracy in Eastern Europe. Although Soros' critics suggested that his 1994 losses could signal a real change of fortune, admirers predicted that he would be back on top just as quickly.


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