Silone, Ignazio

Silone, Ignazio
orig. Secondo Tranquilli

born May 1, 1900, Pescina dei Marsi, Italy
died Aug. 22, 1978, Geneva, Switz.

Italian novelist, short-story writer, and political leader.

A founder of the Italian Communist party in 1921, he was active in the party until the fascists drove him into exile. In 1930 he settled in Switzerland, became disillusioned with communism, and began to write antifascist works. He became internationally famous with his first novel, Fontamara (1930), which was followed by the novels Bread and Wine (1937) and The Seed Beneath the Snow (1940) and the satire The School for Dictators (1938). After World War II he returned to Italian politics before retiring to write such works as A Handful of Blackberries (1952).

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Italian author
pseudonym of  Secondo Tranquilli  
born May 1, 1900, Pescina dei Marsi, Italy
died Aug. 22, 1978, Geneva
 Italian novelist, short-story writer, and political leader, world famous during World War II for his powerful anti-Fascist novels.

      Born into a rural family, Silone was educated in the town of his birth until he was 15, when an earthquake killed his mother and left the family in great poverty. (Only one of Silone's five siblings survived the earthquake and childhood illness.) After drifting for a time, Silone managed to finish secondary school and in 1917 began to work with Socialist groups, becoming a leader of the antiwar movement and editor of the Roman Socialist organ Avanguardia. In 1921 he helped found the Italian Communist Party and in 1922 became the editor of the party's paper in Trieste, Il Lavoratore (“The Worker”). He devoted all his time to foreign missions and underground organization for the party until the Fascists drove him into exile. In 192930 he was involved in internal debates over changes within the Communist Party, namely Stalin's efforts to push the party toward the extreme left. Though Silone's role in these factional disputes was ambiguous, he was suspended from the Central Committee in 1930 and expelled from the party in 1931. Silone retired from political life and, after a period of psychoanalysis, began to write.

      Writing under his pseudonym to protect his family from Fascist persecution, Silone produced his first novel, Fontamara, which was published in Zürich (1930; Eng. trans., 1934). It is a realistic and compassionate story of the exploitation of peasants in a southern Italian village, brutally suppressed as they attempt to obtain their rights. Fontamara became an international sensation and was translated into 14 languages. Later novels, Pane e vino (Bread and Wine, both 1937; revised as Vino e pane, 1955) and Il seme sotto la neve (1940; The Seed Beneath the Snow, 1942), portray socialist heroes who try to help the peasants by sharing their sufferings in a Christian spirit. Pane e vino was dramatized in 1944 as Ed egli si nascose (London, And He Did Hide Himself, New York, And He Hid Himself, both 1946). Silone also wrote a powerful anti-Fascist satire, La scuola dei dittatori (1938; The School for Dictators, 1939).

      After World War II Silone returned to Italy, becoming active in Italian political life as a leader of the Democratic Socialist Party. In 1950 he retired to devote himself to writing. Una manciata di more (1952; A Handful of Blackberries, 1954) and Il segreto di Luca (1956; The Secret of Luca, 1958) show Silone's continued concern with the needs of southern Italy and the complexities of social reform. In Uscita di sicurezza (1965; Emergency Exit, 1968), Silone describes his shifts from Socialism to Communism to Christianity. A play, L'avventura d'un povero cristiano (published 1968; The Story of a Humble Christian, 1970), depicts the life of the 13th-century pope Celestine V, focussing on the conflict between the demands of the institutional church and his own spirituality.

      In the 1990s, documents emerged from state archives that proved Silone had been an informant for the Italian police throughout the 1920s. These revelations led to a reappraisal of the tormented figure of Silone and of his relationship with the fascist regime, as well as to scholarly debate and several new biographies. Observers theorized that the pneumonia-related death of his younger brother Romolo in a fascist prison, where he was tortured, had led Silone to ultimately break with the police.

Additional Reading
Evidence of Silone's life as a police informant is presented in Dario Biocca and Mauro Canali, L'informatore: Silone, i comunisti e la polizia (2000).

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