Shingle style

Shingle style
In the U.S., a style of wood-shingle-covered domestic architecture of the 1870s and '80s.

Among the finest examples are Henry Hobson Richardson's Sherman House (1874–75), Newport, R.I., and Stoughton House (1882–83), Cambridge, Mass. The style grew out of the Queen Anne and Stick styles and was stimulated by a revived interest in colonial American architecture. The small size of the shingle made it easy to cover a variety of shapes. Like the Stick style, the Shingle style is characterized by a free-flowing, open plan; open porches and irregular roof lines contribute to the picturesque or rustic effect. The style had a significant influence on Frank Lloyd Wright.

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      uniquely American architectural style that flourished between 1879 and 1890 in which the entire building was covered with shingles. In a period when revivals of historical styles had overpowered architectural designs, the Shingle style turned away from learned eclecticism and thereby helped provide the spirit of functionalism that developed fully at the beginning of the 20th century.

      The Shingle style, to a large extent, grew out of the earlier Stick and Queen Anne styles and was stimulated by a revived interest in colonial American architecture of the 17th century. The buildings in this style are all private homes or hotels, as no large industrial or commercial buildings could practically be built entirely of wood.

      The Shingle style, like the Stick style that preceded it, was characterized by a free-flowing, open plan and frequent interpenetrations between interior and exterior space. Open porches and the irregular roof line contribute to the general picturesque or rustic effect. The irregular elevation of the building conveys a feeling of openness.

      The major theoretician of the style was John C. Stevens (1855–1940), author of Examples of American Domestic Architecture (1889). Notable architects working in the Shingle style included William Ralph Emerson, H.H. Richardson, and Bruce Price. The Price version of the Shingle style, best seen in his homes at Tuxedo Park, N.Y. (1885), influenced the early work of Frank Lloyd Wright.

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