
Ancient territory, southwestern France.

Located between the Garonne and Rhône rivers and the Pyrenees and Cévennes mountains, Septimania was settled during the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus by veterans of the Seventh Legion (Septimani). It was the last Gallic holding of the Visigoths of Spain. The region was occupied by the Franks (732768), was then part of the kingdom of Aquitaine under the Carolingians, and became a separate duchy in 817. Later in the 9th century it was subsumed under the counts of Toulouse.

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historical region, France
French  Septimanie,  

      ancient territory in what is now southwestern France, between the Garonne and Rhône rivers and between the mountains of the Pyrenees and the Cévennes. During the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus, it was settled by a colony of veterans of the Seventh Legion (Septimani); hence probably the name, which persisted into the early Middle Ages. Septimania was the last Gallic holding of the Visigoths of Spain, after Clovis drove them from most of the Frankish kingdom; it then included seven cities, or dioceses (hence another etymology sometimes adduced): Narbonne, Nîmes, Béziers, Maguelonne, Lodêve, Agde, and Uzès (afterward Elne and Carcassonne)—that is, much of the area occupied later by the province of Languedoc. The repulse of the invading Moors by Charles Martel in 732 opened up the country for the Frankish occupation, which was completed by 768. Under the Carolingians, Septimania became part of the kingdom of Aquitaine, but it became a separate duchy in 817. As a separate entity it disappeared from history in the 9th century as the territory passed into the hands of the counts of Toulouse.

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