Sendak, Maurice (Bernard)

Sendak, Maurice (Bernard)
born June 10, 1928, New York, N.Y., U.S.

U.S. artist and writer.

Sendak studied at the Art Students League. He illustrated more than 80 children's books by other writers before writing one himself. His Kenny's Window (1956) was followed by the innovative trilogy Where the Wild Things Are (1963), In the Night Kitchen (1970), and Outside over There (1981). He collaborated with Carole King on the musical Really Rosie (1978) and designed stage productions of The Magic Flute (1980) and The Nutcracker (1983).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Sendak, Maurice (Bernard) — (n. 10 jun. 1928, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Artista y escritor estadounidense. Sendak estudió en la Art Students League. Ilustró más de 80 libros infantiles de otros escritores antes de escribir uno por su cuenta. A La ventana de Kenny (1956) le …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Maurice Sendak — Born June 10, 1928(1928 06 10) Brooklyn, New York Occupation Artist, Illustrator, Writer Nationality American Period 1947 present …   Wikipedia

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  • Sendak — [sen′dak] Maurice Bernard 1928 ; U.S. writer & illustrator …   English World dictionary

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