Seferis, George

Seferis, George
orig. Giōrgios Stylianou Seferiadēs or Yeoryios Stilianou Sepheriades

born March 13, 1900, Smyrna, Anatolia, Ottoman Empire
died Sept. 20, 1971, Athens, Greece

Greek poet, essayist, and diplomat.

He studied law in Paris and held various diplomatic posts from 1926 to 1962. His poetry appeared in a number of collections beginning with I strofí (1931; "The Turning Point"). He is considered the leading Greek poet of "the generation of the '30s," which introduced Symbolism to modern Greek literature. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1963.

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Greek writer
pseudonym of  Giōrgios Stylianou Seferiadēs , also spelled  Yeoryios Stilianou Sepheriades 
born March 13, 1900, Smyrna, Anatolia, Ottoman Empire [now İzmir, Tur.]
died Sept. 20, 1971, Athens, Greece

      Greek poet, essayist, and diplomat who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1963.

      After studying law in Paris, Seferis joined the Greek diplomatic service and served in London and Albania prior to World War II, during which time he was in exile with the free Greek government. Following the war he held posts in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq and served as Greek ambassador in London (195762).

      Seferis was at once acclaimed asthe poet of the futureon the publication of Strofí (1931; “Turning Point”), his first collection of poems. It was followed by I stérna (1932; “The Cistern”), Mithistórima (1935; “Myth-History”), Imerolóyio katastrómatos I (1940; “Log Book I”), Tetrádhio yimnasmáton (1940; “Exercise Book”), Imerolóyio katastrómatos II (1945), the long poem Kíkhli (1947; “Thrush”), Imerolóyio katastrómatos III (1955), and Tría krifá poiímata (1966; “Three Secret Poems”). Selections of his poetry have been widely translated; the most comprehensive collection in English translation is George Seferis: Complete Poems (1995). Seferis also translated poetry into Greek and wrote essays.

      Seferis was the most distinguished Greek poet ofthe generation of the '30s,” which introduced symbolism to modern Greek literature. His refined lyricism and the freshness of his diction brought a new breath of life to Greek poetry. His work is permeated by a deep feeling for the tragic predicament of the Greeks, as indeed of modern man in general.

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