Sefer ha-bahir

Sefer ha-bahir
(Hebrew; "Book of Brightness")

Hebrew commentary on the Old Testament that had a major influence on the development of the Kabbala.

It also influenced the symbology of Judaism in general by calling attention to the mystical significance of the shapes and sounds of the Hebrew alphabet. The Bahir first appeared in France in the 12th century, though Kabbalists consider it much older. It introduced the concept of the transmigration of souls and the notion of a cosmic or spiritual tree that symbolizes the flow of divine creative power. Though Kabbalists view it as authoritative, mainstream Judaism rejects it as heretical.

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Jewish text
      (Hebrew:Book of Brightness”), largely symbolic commentary on the Old Testament, the basic motif of which is the mystical significance of the shapes and sounds of the Hebrew alphabet. The influence of the Bahir on the development of Kabbala (esoteric Jewish mysticism) was profound and lasting.

      The book seems to have first appeared in Provence, Fr., in the latter half of the 12th century. Kabbalists themselves considered the book to be much older, falsely attributing its oldest traditions to Rabbi Nehunya ben Haqana (about 1st century AD) and crediting many of the book's sayings to early Jewish scholars called tannaim (1st to 3rd century) and amoraim (3rd to 6th century). An objective assessment of the medieval text seems to indicate that the author of the Bahir merely incorporated into his work certain mystical texts and concepts that had earlier made their way to Europe from the East.

      Though the Bahir is unsystematic, generally enigmatic, and written in a mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic, it successfully introduced into Kabbalaand through Kabbala, into Judaisman extensive mystical symbolism; Gershom Gerhard Scholem, a 20th-century Jewish scholar, sees this as its most significant influence on Jewish religious thought. The Bahir, for example, contains the earliest-known explanation of the 10divine emanations,” which, in a mysterious way, are said to symbolize and explain the creation and continued existence of the universe. These 10 maʿamarot (“sayings”), divided into 3 upper and 7 lower manifestations, became widely known in Kabbala as sefirot (sefira) (“numbers”).

      The Bahir also introduced into Kabbalistic speculations the concept of the transmigration of souls (gilgul) and the notion of a cosmic, or spiritual, tree to symbolize the flow of divine creative power. In addition, evil was said to be a principle found within God himself. The last part of the book draws heavily on an ancient mystical text called Raza rabba (“The Great Mystery”). Whereas Kabbalists viewed the Bahir as authoritative, others rejected it as heretical.

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