Scorel, Jan van

Scorel, Jan van
born August 1495, Schoorel, Habsburg Netherlands
died Dec. 6, 1562, Utrecht

Dutch humanist, architect, engineer, and painter.

He studied briefly with Jan Gossart, who encouraged him to travel. Five years of work and study in Europe eventually took him to Rome. Returning to Holland in 1524, he introduced such Italian Renaissance elements as nudes, Classical draperies and architecture, and spacious imaginary landscapes. His greatest works are his portraits, which show his gift for characterization. He successfully combined the idealism of Renaissance Italy with the naturalism of northern European art in his paintings, and he bequeathed the style to successive generations of Dutch artists.

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Dutch artist and engineer
Scorel also spelled  Scoreel, Schorel, Schoreel, Schoorel, Schooreel, Schoorl, Scorelius, Scorellius,  also called  the Maitre De La Morte De Marie 
born August 1495, Schoorel, near Alkmaar, Habsburg Netherlands
died Dec. 6, 1562, Utrecht

      Dutch Humanist, architect, engineer, and painter who established the painting style of the Italian Renaissance in Holland, just as his teacher Jan Gossaert did in Brussels.

      Scorel studied with several local artists, but by 1517 he was in Utrecht working with Gossaert, who encouraged Scorel to travel. He went to Germany in 1519 and while in Nürnberg visited Albrecht Dürer. He visited in Switzerland and then made his way to Venice. In Venice he was impressed by the work of Giorgione and Jacopo Palma but soon left on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem that took him to Cyprus, Rhodes, and Crete.

      Scorel then journeyed to Rome during the brief pontificate of the Utrecht-born pope Adrian VI and was made keeper of the papal collection and inspector of the Belvedere. The Pope gave Scorel a studio in the Vatican and sat for a portrait (1523). Scorel was deeply influenced by the work of both Michelangelo and Raphael while in Italy. In 1524, however, he returned to the Netherlands to become the canon of Utrecht, a position that guaranteed him an income for life.

      In the large figurative compositions Scorel completed upon his return to Holland, he introduced such Italian elements as nudes, classical draperies and architecture, and spacious imaginary landscapes. However, the genre he truly excelled at was portraiture; the surviving works are painted in a more conventionally Northern style, and show his gift for characterization. His finest portraits were those ofAgatha Schoonhoven” (1529; Doria Pamphili Gallery, Rome), aYoung Scholar” (Museum Boymansvan Beuninge, Rotterdam), and aVenetian Nobleman” (Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Oldenburg, Ger.). Group portraits of pilgrims to Jerusalem are in Utrecht and Haarlem, although much of his work based on religious themes, especially the many altarpieces, was destroyed in the 16th century by Protestant iconoclasts. Scorel successfully combined the idealism of Renaissance Italy with the naturalism of northern European art in his painting, and bequeathed his style to succeeding generations of Dutch painters.

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