Schönerer, Georg, knight von

Schönerer, Georg, knight von
born July 17, 1842, Vienna, Austria
died Aug. 14, 1921, Rosenau bei Zwettl

Austrian political extremist.

In 1873 he was elected to the federal parliament as a left-wing liberal. He became an ardent German nationalist and outspoken anti-Semite and in 1885 founded the Pan-German Party. Reelected to the parliament in 1897, he opposed the pro-Czech language ordinances and was credited with driving the prime minister from office. He helped 21 Pan-German candidates win election to the parliament in 1901. His violent temperament so disrupted the party that by 1907 it had virtually disappeared from Austrian politics, but his ideological influence continued undiminished.

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Universalium. 2010.

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