Schröder-Devrient, Wilhelmine

Schröder-Devrient, Wilhelmine
born Dec. 6, 1804, Hamburg
died Jan. 26, 1860, Coburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

German soprano.

Daughter of a baritone, she achieved international renown with her 1822 performance as Ludwig van Beethoven's Leonora. Though her voice showed signs of wear by her 30s, she was known for her dramatic prowess
she genuinely cried onstage and was called the "Queen of Tears"
and she created three early Wagnerian (see Richard Wagner) roles: Adriano (Rienzi, 1842), Senta (The Flying Dutchman, 1843), and Venus (Tannhäuser, 1845).

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German opera singer
born Dec. 6, 1804, Hamburg [Germany]
died Jan. 26, 1860, Coburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha [now in Germany]
 German soprano celebrated for her portrayal of the great dramatic roles of German opera.

      The daughter of a celebrated baritone and a renowned actress, Schröder-Devrient received early training in movement and diction from her parents and appeared in both ballet and children's roles in the theatre as a child. She made her operatic debut in Vienna in 1821 as Pamina in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Die Zauberflöte. In the following year Carl Maria von Weber chose her to play the role of Agathe in his Der Freischütz, and she also appeared as Leonore in a noted revival of Ludwig van Beethoven's Fidelio in Vienna that same year. Both roles brought her tremendous acclaim. Indeed, she is often credited with much of the success of the revival of Fidelio, which had not been well received in its premiere.

      Richard Wagner (Wagner, Richard) felt that she had awakened in him his vocation as a composer. She later created the roles of Adriano in Wagner's Rienzi, Senta in Der fliegende Holländer, and Venus in Tannhäuser. From 1822 to 1847 she sang primarily in Dresden, Saxony, but also appeared in Berlin, Weimar (Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach), Paris, and London, achieving her greatest successes in highly dramatic roles such as Donna Anna in Mozart's Don Giovanni, Weber's Euryanthe, Vincenzo Bellini's Norma, and Leonore in Fidelio. Her performances in art song recitals and concerts were much admired. Her last operatic appearance was at Riga, Latvia, Russian Empire, in 1847, and her last known concerts were in Germany in 1856.

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