- Schnabel, Artur
died Aug. 15, 1951, Axenstein, Switz.Austrian pianist and composer.When he was seven years old, his family moved to Vienna. There he studied with Theodor Leschetizky and also met Johannes Brahms and others. He made his debut in 1890. Based in Berlin from 1900 to 1933, he composed, taught, and gave legendary performances of the complete sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert for centenary celebrations. In the 1930s he became the first to record the complete Beethoven cycle. During the Nazi period, he moved to London, then to the U.S. Though he mostly played works of the past, his own compositions were ultramodern. Today he is uniquely revered by serious pianists.
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▪ Austrian pianistborn April 17, 1882, Lipnik, Austriadied Aug. 15, 1951, Axenstein, Switz.Austrian pianist and teacher whose performances and recordings made him a legend in his own time and a model of scholarly musicianship to all later pianists.Schnabel was a child prodigy and studied in Vienna with the celebrated pianist and teacher Theodor Leschetizky. He lived in Berlin from 1900 and was a leading piano teacher at the State Academy of Music in Berlin from 1925 to 1933. He emigrated to Switzerland in 1933 after Adolf Hitler came to power, and he lived in the United States from 1939 until after World War II, when he returned to Switzerland.Schnabel specialized in the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, and Franz Schubert. He was never a virtuoso pianist, and he neither taught technique nor concerned himself with mere technical mastery. Yet he was able to bring out every nuance of meaning in a musical text with remarkable intellectual penetration and eloquence. Among the high points of his career were his concert performances of all 32 of Beethoven's sonatas in Berlin in 1927 and 1932–34, in which his imaginative interpretations took on a visionary clarity and intensity. Much of his playing is preserved on early recordings.As a composer Schnabel was influenced by his contemporary Arnold Schoenberg, whom he knew in Berlin. He never played his own or other modern music in public, however. Schnabel's thoughts on music were published as Reflections on Music (1933) and Music and the Line of Most Resistance (1942) and were more concretely expressed in his edition of Beethoven's piano sonatas.* * *
Universalium. 2010.