Saint John's

Saint John's
City (pop., 1991 est.: 22,000), capital of Antigua and Barbuda, West Indies.

It lies on Antigua's northwestern coast. It is a resort and the island's main port, handling sugar, cotton, machinery, and lumber. Nearby Fort St. John's was damaged over the centuries (16901847) by earthquakes, fire and a hurricane.
City (pop., 2001: 172,918), port, and capital of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Located on the southeastern Atlantic coast, St. John's was a small fishing base from the early 16th century; it was colonized by the British in 1583. Attacked several times by the French, it was securely British from 1762 and prospered as a fishing port, despite several disastrous fires in the 19th century. It is a commercial and industrial centre, a major ocean port, and the base for the province's fishing fleet. Industries include shipbuilding and fish processing. The annual regatta is one of the oldest sports events in North America. Signal Hill Historic Park memorializes several events, including Guglielmo Marconi's reception of the first transatlantic wireless message from Europe (1901).

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 city and capital of Antigua and Barbuda. It lies on the northwest coast and is a resort and the main port (handling sugar, cotton, foodstuffs, machinery, and lumber). Before 1968 the sheltered harbour was limited to boats drawing only 6 feet (2 m), but because of a major dredging project the port accommodates ships drawing 35 feet (10.5 m). V.C. Bird International Airport is 6 miles (10 km) northeast. Attractions include an Anglican cathedral, the Government House, a botanic station, and nearby Fort James and Goat Hill. Fort St. John's was severely damaged by earthquakes (1690, 1843), a fire (1769), and a hurricane (1847). Pop. (1986 est.) 36,000.

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