Saint Albans Raid

Saint Albans Raid
(Oct. 19, 1864) Raid by Confederates in the American Civil War.

About 25 Confederate soldiers based in Canada raided the Union town of St. Albans, Vt., where they killed one man and robbed three banks. They retreated to Canada, where a pursuing U.S. posse captured several of them, though the posse was forced to surrender them to Canadian authorities. The Canadians returned the stolen money but later released the soldiers, causing strained relations between the two countries.

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United States history
      (Oct. 19, 1864), in the American Civil War, a Confederate raid from Canada into Union territory; the incident put an additional strain on what were already tense relations between the United States and Canada.

      On Oct. 19, 1864, about 25 Confederate soldiers based in Canada raided the town of St. Albans, Vt., killed one man, robbed three banks, and then retreated to Canadian territory. A U.S. posse pursued the raiders and captured several of them, but it was forced to surrender them to the Canadian authorities. On October 21 about half the Confederates were arrested by the Canadians, but they were released again on December 13, and the $200,000 they had stolen was returned.

      Although the Canadian government reimbursed the plundered banks, the release of the raiders led to strong protests in the United States. Consequently, five of the raiders were rearrested and remained in custody for a time for violating Canadian neutrality. In 1872 a claims commission established under the Anglo-American Treaty of Washington (1871) ruled against further American claims to compensation.

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