Rye House Plot

Rye House Plot
(1683) In English history, an alleged Whig conspiracy to assassinate Charles II because of his pro-Catholic policies.

The plot drew its name from Rye House at Hoddeston, Hertfordshire, near the road where Charles was supposed to be killed as he traveled from a horse meet. The king's unexpected early departure supposedly foiled the plot, which was later revealed by an informer. The facts remained cloudy, but the main plotters included the duke of Monmouth, William, Lord Russell, Algernon Sidney (16221683), and Sir Thomas Armstrong. The last three were tried, convicted of treason, and beheaded.

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English history
      (1683), alleged Whig conspiracy to assassinate or mount an insurrection against Charles II of England because of his pro-Roman Catholic policies. The plot drew its name from Rye House at Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, near which ran a narrow road where Charles was supposed to be killed as he traveled from a horse meet at Newmarket. By chance, according to the official narrative, the king's unexpectedly early departure in March foiled the plot. Ten weeks later, on June 1, an informer's allegations prompted a government investigation.

      The facts remain cloudy, but the named figures in the plot included James Scott, Duke of Monmouth (Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of, Duke Of Buccleuch, Earl Of Doncaster, Earl Of Dalkeith, Baron Scott Of Tindale, Lord Scott Of Whitchester And Eskdale); Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex (Essex, Arthur Capel, 1st earl of, Viscount Malden, Baron Capel Of Hadham); Lord William Russell (Russell, William Russell, Lord); Algernon Sidney (Sidney, Algernon); Sir Thomas Armstrong; Robert Ferguson; (Ferguson, Robert) and Lord William Howard. All had allegedly met at the house of one Sheppard, a London wine merchant, and at their own houses and discussed various means of ridding the country of Charles II or denying the succession to his openly Roman Catholic brother, the future James II. The Rye House assassination was but one of the schemes discussed. After the plot's exposure, Essex was arrested and died in the Tower of London, probably a suicide; Russell, Sidney, and Armstrong were tried, convicted of treason, and beheaded; the other figures escaped punishment.

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