
English Rostov-on-Don

City (pop., 2001 est.: 997,800), southern Russia in Europe.

Located on the Don River about 30 mi (50 km) from the Sea of Azov, it was founded as a customs post in 1749. It was fortified soon after, and, because of its key position as a transport centre and port, it grew steadily with the 19th-century Russian colonization. Occupied by the Germans in World War II, it suffered extensive damage but was rebuilt after the war. It is a transportation and industrial centre. The city's nodal location and the proximity of the Donets Basin have led to major industrial development, especially in engineering.

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English  Rostov-on-Don 
 city and administrative centre of Rostov oblast (province), southwestern Russia. It lies along the lower Don River, 30 miles (50 km) above the latter's mouth on the Sea of Azov. It was founded in 1749 as the customs post of Temernika, when the river mouth was still in Turkish hands; it then became a flourishing trade centre. Between 1761 and 1763 the fortress of St. Dmitry of Rostov was built there, and a town developed around it, near the Armenian settlement of Nakhichevan-na-Donu, which later merged with Rostov. In 1797 town status was granted, and in 1806 it was named Rostov-na-Donu. Because of its key position as a transport centre and port, the town grew steadily with the 19th-century Russian colonization and development of the north Caucasus region and conquest of the Transcaucasia.

      These functions remain of great importance. The Don River route to the interior was improved by the opening of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal in 1952, linking the town to the entire Volga basin; a dredged channel gives access to the sea. Rostov lies on road, rail, and oil and natural-gas pipeline connections between central European Russia and the Caucasus region. This nodal location and the nearness of the great Donets Coal Basin have led to major industrial development, especially in engineering. Two huge plants make Rostov the largest producer of agricultural machinery in Russia. Other engineering products include ball bearings, electrical and heating equipment, wire, self-propelled barges, road-construction equipment, and industrial machinery. There are ship and locomotive repair yards and a range of consumer-goods industries. Rostov State University was founded in 1917, and there are numerous other institutions of higher education and scientific-research. Pop. (2002) 1,068,267; (2006 est.) 1,054,865.

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Universalium. 2010.

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