Ribalta, Francisco

Ribalta, Francisco
born 1565, Castellón de la Plana, Spain
died Jan. 12, 1628, Valencia

Spanish painter.

His early works are Mannerist. After settling in Valencia in 1598, he developed a darker and more naturalistic style (e.g., his Santiago altarpiece, 1603) under the influence of Caravaggio. After 1612 he achieved originality and grandeur in such paintings as Christ Embracing St. Bernard. His later paintings, marked by powerfully modeled forms, simplicity of composition, and naturalistic lighting, anticipate the work of Diego Velázquez, Francisco Zurbarán, and José de Ribera.

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▪ Spanish painter
baptized June 2, 1565, Lérida, Spain
died Jan. 12, 1628, Valencia
 Spanish painter who was one of the first artists to be influenced by the new realism initiated by Caravaggio in Italy. Ribalta's use of light and shadow to give solidity to his forms made him the first native Spanish tenebroso (tenebrism) (a painter who emphasizes darkness rather than light), and he was a major influence on later Spanish painters.

      Ribalta probably studied under Navarrete el Mudo at El Escorial and in Madrid. Only one painting from his first period has survived, the Nailing to the Cross (1582). It is an undistinguished Mannerist (Mannerism) work. In 1598 he moved to Valencia and established a large studio under the patronage of the archbishop, Juan de Ribera. His compositions of this period, notably the Retable of Santiago in the church of Algemesí (1603, 1610), are highly imitative and mediocre. In his last period, after 1612, he achieved both originality and grandeur. Paintings such as The Singer, Christ Embracing St. Bernard (1625–27), and the Portacoeli Retable are marked by their monumental and powerfully modeled forms, simplicity of composition, and realistic lighting. These late paintings anticipate the work of Diego Velázquez (Velázquez, Diego), Francisco de Zurbarán (Zurbarán, Francisco de), and José de Ribera (Ribera, José de) later in the 17th century.

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