
Johns (jŏnz), Jasper. Born 1930.
American artist and pioneer of pop art whose works place everyday objects within artistic contexts.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Johns, Jasper — born May 15, 1930, Augusta, Ga., U.S. U.S. painter, sculptor, and printmaker. He began his career as a commercial artist, producing displays for New York City shop windows. In 1958 he had his first one man exhibition, a rousing success. The… …   Universalium

  • Johns, Jasper — (5/15/1930 Augusta, GA ) (USA)    Painter, sculptor, and printmaker. Considered a self taught artist, he became a major figure in the abstract expressionist and Pop Art styles. Reproductions: [Phallus], from Brigid Polk s Cock Book; charcoal on… …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Johns, Jasper — (n. 15 may. 1930, Augusta, Ga., EE.UU.). Pintor, escultor y grabador estadounidense. Inició su carrera como artista comercial, produciendo montajes para vitrinas en la ciudad de Nueva York. En 1958 realizó su primera exposición individual, que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • JOHNS (J.) — JOHNS JASPER (1930 ) Peintre et sculpteur américain né à Augusta en Georgie, Jasper Johns est aussi un dessinateur et un graveur hors pair. Omniprésent dans les histoires de l’art contemporain et dans les plus grands musées, il est un des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Johns — (Jasper) (né en 1930) peintre et sculpteur américain, l un des créateurs du pop art …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Johns — Johns, Jasper (1930 ) a US painter who is important in the development of ↑pop art …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • jasper — jasper1 /jas peuhr/, n. 1. a compact, opaque, cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, usually colored red: often used in decorative carvings. 2. Also called cameo ware, jasperware. a fine, hard stoneware introduced c1775 by Wedgwood, stained various …   Universalium

  • Jasper — /jas peuhr/, n. 1. a city in NW Alabama. 11,894. 2. a resort town in SW Alberta, in SW Canada, on the Athabaska River: headquarters for Jasper National Park. 3060. 3. a male given name, form of Caspar. * * * I Opaque, fine grained or dense… …   Universalium

  • Johns — (as used in expressions) Hopkins, Johns Johns Hopkins, Universidad de Johns, Jasper …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jasper Johns — Jasper Johns, Jr. (* 15. Mai 1930 in Augusta, Georgia) ist ein vielseitiger US amerikanischer Maler, Plastiker, Bühnen und Kostümbildner. Er gilt als ein Wegbereiter der Pop Art, ohne dass sein bildnerisches Werk dieser Stilrichtung zuzurechnen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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