Quṭb, Sayyid

Quṭb, Sayyid
in full Ibrāhīm Ḥusayn Shādhilī Sayyid Quṭb

born Oct. 9, 1906, near Asyūṭ, Egypt
died Aug. 29, 1966, Cairo

Egyptian writer who was one of the foremost figures in modern Sunnite Islamic revivalism.

He was from a family of impoverished rural notables. For most of his early life he was a schoolteacher. Originally an ardent secularist, he came, over time, to adopt many Islamist views. Following a brief period studying in the U.S. (194850), he became convinced of the corruption of Western secularism and on his return to Egypt joined the Muslim Brotherhood. He was at first on good terms with the revolutionary regime of Gamal Abdel Nasser but was imprisoned (195464) along with other Brotherhood leaders on charges of sedition. His prison years were his most productive. The brutal treatment he received convinced him that Egypt, like the West, was corrupt, and, drawing (often freely) on the work of early Muslim scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah, he argued that much of modern Muslim society had fallen in apostasy and was, therefore, a legitimate target of jihad. He penned these ideas in several books, including Signposts in the Road (1964), which became a template for modern Sunnite militancy. Released from prison in 1964, he was soon rearrested, tried for treason, and executed.

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