Pripet Marshes — an extensive wooded marshland in S Byelorussia (Belarus) and NW Ukraine. 33,500 sq. mi. (86,765 sq. km). * * * Vast marsh region, southern Belarus and northwestern Ukraine. The largest swamp of the European continent, the marshes lie in the… … Universalium
river — river1 riverless, adj. riverlike, adj. /riv euhr/, n. 1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. 2. a similar stream of something other than water: a… … Universalium
Pripet — [prē′pyät΄y prē′pet] river in Ukraine & Belarus, flowing through a large, swampy basin (Pripet Marshes) into the Dnepr: c. 500 mi (805 km): Russ. name Pripyat [prē′pyät΄y ] … English World dictionary
Pripet — /prip it, et, pree pet/, n. a river in NW Ukraine and S Byelorussia (Belarus), flowing E through the Pripet Marshes to the Dnieper River in NW Ukraine. 500 mi. (800 km) long. Russian, Pripyat /prddyee pyit/. Polish, Prypec. * * * … Universalium
Pripet — Prip•et [[t]ˈprɪp ɪt, ɛt, ˈpri pɛt[/t]] n. geg a river in NW Ukraine and S Belorussia, flowing E through the Pripet Marshes to the Dnieper River in NW Ukraine. 500 mi. (800 km) long. Russian, Pri•pyat [[t]ˈpryi pyɪt[/t]] … From formal English to slang
Pripet — /prip it, et, pree pet/, n. a river in NW Ukraine and S Byelorussia (Belarus), flowing E through the Pripet Marshes to the Dnieper River in NW Ukraine. 500 mi. (800 km) long. Russian, Pripyat /prddyee pyit/. Polish, Prypec … Useful english dictionary
Pripet — or Russian Pripyat or Belarusian Prypyats or Ukrainian Pryp yat geographical name river 500 miles (805 kilometers) E central Europe in NW Ukraine & S Belarus flowing E through the marshlands called Polesye (or Pripet Marshes to the Dnieper) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pripet — /ˈprɪpət/ (say pripuht) noun a river in eastern Europe, rising in Ukraine and flowing east then south east to the Dnieper through the extensive Pripet Marshes of Belarus. About 805 km. Also, Pripyat …
Pripet — Prypjat Ukraine Nordwest/ Weißrussland mit dem Prypjat Der Prypjat (ukrainisch Прип ять, weißrussisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dnieper River — Russian Dnepr ancient Borysthenes. River, eastern central Europe. One of the longest rivers in Europe, it rises west of Moscow and flows south through Belarus and Ukraine, emptying into the Black Sea after a course of 1,420 mi (2,285 km). More… … Universalium