Preminger, Otto (Ludwig)

Preminger, Otto (Ludwig)
born Dec. 5, 1906, Vienna, Austria
died April 23, 1986, New York, N.Y., U.S.

Austrian-born U.S. film director.

While studying law in his native Vienna, he worked with Max Reinhardt's theatre and soon became its director. In 1935 he went to the U.S. to direct Libel on Broadway. Invited to Hollywood, he made the successful thriller Laura (1944), which helped establish film noir. Forming his own production company, he defied Hollywood's Production Code with a series of controversial films and brought about the relaxation of censorship regulations. His landmark films include The Moon Is Blue (1953); the all-African American Carmen Jones (1954); and The Man with the Golden Arm (1955), a tale of drug addiction. His later films include Anatomy of a Murder (1959), Exodus (1960), The Cardinal (1963), and Hurry Sundown (1967). He also worked as a character actor, most notably in Billy Wilder's Stalag 17 (1953).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • PREMINGER, OTTO LUDWIG — (1905–1986), U.S. film and stage director and producer. Born in Vienna, Preminger worked at max reinhardt s Josefstadt Theater in Vienna in 1923, and in 1928 was engaged by Reinhardt as director. He went to the U.S. in 1935 and gained prominence… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Preminger,Otto Ludwig — Prem·in·ger (prĕmʹĭn jər), Otto Ludwig. 1906 1986. Austrian born American film producer and director whose works include Laura (1944) and Anatomy of a Murder (1959). * * * …   Universalium

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  • Preminger, Otto Ludwig — (1906–86)    US film producer. After a career as a stage director, Vienna born Preminger became one of Hollywood’s most important and controversial directors and producers. His films included: The Man with the Golden Arm (1956), Porgy and Bess… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Preminger, Otto (Ludwig) — (5 dic. 1906, Viena, Austria–23 abr. 1986, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Director de cine estadounidense de origen austríaco. Mientras estudiaba derecho en su Viena natal, trabajó en la compañía de teatro de Max Reinhardt y luego se convirtió en su… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Otto Ludwig Preminger — (* 5. Dezember 1905 (nach anderen Quellen 5. Dezember 1906) in Wien, Österreich; † 23. April 1986 in New York City, USA) war ein österreichisch US amerikanischer Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, Theaterregisseur und Theaterdirektor aus einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Preminger, Otto — ▪ American filmmaker in full  Otto Ludwig Preminger  born December 5, 1906, Vienna, Austria died April 23, 1986, New York, N.Y., U.S.       director producer who defied Hollywood s Production Code with a series of controversial films and brought… …   Universalium

  • Otto Preminger — Preminger in 1976 Born Otto Ludwig Preminger 5 December 1905(1905 12 05) Wiznitz, Austria–Hungary (present Vyzhnytsia …   Wikipedia

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