Pole, Reginald

Pole, Reginald
born March 3, 1500, Stourton Castle, Staffordshire, Eng.
died Nov. 17, 1558, London

English Catholic prelate.

A cousin of Henry VII, Pole was sent by Henry VIII to study in Italy (152127) and given minor offices in the church. Critical of Henry's antipapal policies, he wrote In Defense of Ecclesiastical Unity (1536) to defend the pope's spiritual authority. As cardinal, he was sent by Pope Paul III on missions to persuade Catholic monarchs to depose Henry. These efforts angered Henry, who executed Pole's brother, Lord Montague (1538), and his mother, Margaret, countess of Salisbury (1541). Pole was named papal governor of the Patrimony of St. Peter and later was presiding legate at the Council of Trent. When the Catholic Mary Tudor became queen as Mary I in 1553, he was appointed legate for England; there he instituted church reforms and was a strong influence on the queen. He was appointed archbishop of Canterbury (1556), but a conflict between the papacy and England's ally Spain caused the pope to cancel Pole's authority and declare him a heretic. Demoralized, he died 12 hours after the death of Queen Mary.

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born March 3, 1500, Stourton Castle, Staffordshire, Eng.
died Nov. 17, 1558, London
 English prelate who broke with King Henry VIII over Henry's antipapal policies and later became a cardinal and a powerful figure in the government of the Roman Catholic queen Mary Tudor (Mary I).

      His father, Sir Richard Pole, was a cousin of King Henry VII, and his mother, Margaret, countess of Salisbury, was a niece of Edward IV. In recognition of Pole's royal descent, his cousin, Henry VIII, paid for Pole's education at Oxford University and at Padua, Italy, and gave him minor offices in the church. Nevertheless, when Henry's attempts to obtain an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon encountered resistance from Pope Clement VII, Pole found himself unable to support the king's cause. He therefore withdrew to Padua in 1532 and immersed himself in theological studies. In 1536 Pole completed and sent to Henry a long treatise attacking his claim of royal supremacy over the English church and strongly defending the pope's spiritual authority. The document was later published, without Pole's consent, as Pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione (“In Defense of Ecclesiastical Unity”).

      Pole could no longer return to England. Remaining in Italy, he was made cardinal by Pope Paul III in December 1536, and he served on the commission that produced the important document Consilium de emendanda ecclesia (1537; “Plan for Church Reform”), a report on abuses in the church with recommendations for reforms. Between 1537 and 1539 the pope sent Pole on two diplomatic missions to persuade Europe's Catholic monarchs to ally against Henry. Both endeavours were totally unsuccessful, and Henry, in revenge for Pole's treasonous activities, executed Pole's brother, Lord Montague, in 1538 and his mother in 1541. In August 1541 Pole was appointed papal governor of the Patrimony of St. Peter (the area around Rome). He took up residence at Viterbo and gathered around him a group of humanists. Later, he was the presiding legate at the Council of Trent; and, upon the death of Paul III in November 1549, Pole, with backing from the Holy Roman emperor Charles V, was nearly elected pope. The office fell to Julius III only after the French and Italian prelates refused to endorse Pole's candidacy.

      On the accession of Mary Tudor to the English throne in July 1553, the pope at once appointed Pole legate for England. He landed at Dover on Nov. 20, 1554, and 10 days later formally received the country back into the Catholic fold. He then began to refound the monasteries, and in November 1555 he assembled at Westminster a synod that instituted a number of church reforms. Soon Pole was virtually running the government. Although he was not directly responsible for the burnings of Protestants that marked Mary's reign, he did not oppose them. Pole was made archbishop of Canterbury in March 1556.

      Regrettably for Pole, Paul IV, the pope elected in 1555, was a longtime bitter enemy of Catholic humanism and of the attempts of men like Pole to soften the teachings of Catholicism to win back those who had deserted to Protestantism. Further infuriated by Mary's support for her husband, Philip II of Spain, in his temporal conflicts with the papacy, Paul IV first canceled Pole's legatine authority and then sought to recall Pole to Rome to face investigation for heresy in his earlier writings. Mary refused to let Pole leave England, but he accepted his suspension from office. He died, demoralized, a few hours after Queen Mary herself died on Nov. 17, 1558.

Additional Reading
Two biographies are Wilhelm Schenk, Reginald Pole, Cardinal of England (1950); and Dermot Fenlon, Heresy and Obedience in Tridentine Italy: Cardinal Pole and the Counter Reformation (1972).

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