Plunket, Saint Oliver

Plunket, Saint Oliver
born 1629, Loughcrew, County Meath, Ire.
died July 1, 1681, London, Eng.; canonized 1975; feast day July 11

Irish prelate, the last man to suffer martyrdom for the Catholic faith in England.

He was ordained in Rome, where he taught theology and represented the Irish bishops at the Holy See. In 1669 he was appointed archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland, and he worked to restore the disorganized church in Ireland. Renewed persecution forced him into hiding in 1673. In the anti-Catholic hysteria caused by the Titus Oates plot (1678), he was betrayed and imprisoned in Dublin in 1679. After a farcical trial in London, he was convicted of treason and was hanged, drawn, and quartered. His head, originally sent to Rome, is preserved at Drogheda, and his body is at Downside Abbey, near Bath.

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▪ Irish martyr
Plunket also spelled  Plunkett  
born 1629, Loughcrew, County Meath, Ire.
died July 1, 1681, London; canonized 1975; feast day July 11
 Roman Catholic primate of all Ireland and the last man to suffer martyrdom for the Catholic faith in England.

      Plunket was educated and ordained in Rome, serving there as professor of theology at the College of Propaganda Fide and as the representative of the Irish bishops at the Holy See. Appointed archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland in 1669, he arrived in the following year at a time when, after prolonged repression, the Catholic Church was greatly disorganized, with only one aged bishop at liberty. Setting himself to restore order and discipline in accordance with the precepts of the Council of Trent, Plunket kept on good terms with the English and the Protestants until in 1673 when, under renewed persecution, he was obliged to go into hiding. For the next five years he laboured under conditions of increasing difficulty, brought to a climax by the terror inspired by the Titus Oates plot of 1678. In the following year he was betrayed, arrested, and imprisoned in Dublin Castle. His trial at Dundalk was made absurd by the ignominious witnesses for the prosecution; he was taken to London, where, after protracted legal proceedings, he was sentenced to be hanged, disembowelled, and quartered; the sentence was carried out at Tyburn before a large crowd. Plunket was beatified by Benedict XV in 1920 and canonized by Pope Paul VI on Oct. 12, 1975. His head is preserved at Drogheda and his body at Downside Abbey, near Bath.

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Universalium. 2010.

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