Pedrell, Felipe

Pedrell, Felipe
born Feb. 19, 1841, Tortosa, Spain
died Aug. 19, 1922, Barcelona

Spanish musicologist and composer.

He was largely self-taught as a musician. A scholarship for study in Rome exposed him to the great past of Spanish music preserved in archives there, and he set about reviving the tradition by bringing to light both folk and older art music and by promoting a national style of composition. His own works include operas and orchestral and choral works. He is regarded as the father of Spanish musical nationalism.

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Spanish composer
born Feb. 19, 1841, Tortosa, Spain
died Aug. 19, 1922, Barcelona

      Spanish composer and musical scholar who devoted his life to the development of a Spanish school of music founded on both national folk songs and Spanish masterpieces of the past.

      When Pedrell was a choirboy, his imagination was first fired by contact with early Spanish church music. Largely self-taught, he composed several operas, mostly on national subjects. The first, El último Abencerraje, founded on a text by Chateaubriand, was produced in an Italian version in Barcelona in 1874. In 1891 he published his manifesto Por nuestra música, which attracted much attention; misunderstood as favouring Wagnerian reforms, it advocated a Spanish opera with musical roots in the Spanish folk song. He published an invaluable four-volume collection of folk songs, the Cancionero musical popular español. In the eight-volume Hispaniae schola musica sacra, Pedrell edited, for the first time, a vast quantity of early Spanish church, stage, and organ music, including the keyboard works of Antonio de Cabezón and the complete works of Tomás Luis de Victoria. At the same time, he was working on an operatic trilogy, the first part of which, Los Pirineos (“The Pyrenees”; to a Catalan libretto), was produced in an Italian version in 1902. The second part, La Celestina, though it contained some of his finest music, remained unperformed. As a composer, Pedrell was to a certain extent hampered by technical shortcomings. His influence on later Spanish composers, however, was incalculable, and his pupils included Manuel de Falla, Isaac Albéniz, and Enrique Granados. His editions of early Spanish music laid the foundations of Spanish musicology.

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