Paulus, Friedrich

Paulus, Friedrich
born Sept. 23, 1890, Breitenau, Ger.
died Feb. 1, 1957, Dresden, E.Ger.

German general in World War II. He became deputy chief of the German General Staff in World War II and commanded the German 6th Army in the Soviet Union.

He was defeated in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943, and the surrender of his army of 300,000 men ended Germany's offensive in Russia. While a prisoner, Paulus agitated against Adolf Hitler among the other German prisoners of war and later testified at the Nürnberg trials. After his release from prison (1953), he settled in East Germany.

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▪ German military officer
born Sept. 23, 1890, Breitenau, Ger. [now in Austria]
died Feb. 1, 1957, Dresden, E.Ger.

      German field marshal on the Eastern Front, whose capture at Stalingrad (Stalingrad, Battle of) (now Volgograd) in early 1943 with his entire army became one of the turning points of World War II and contributed substantially to Germany's defeat.

      After serving in World War I and as a staff officer early in World War II, Paulus became deputy chief of the German General Staff (1940) and helped draft plans for the invasion of the Soviet Union. As commander of the 6th Army from early 1942, he led the drive on Stalingrad. Surrounded in the city by a Soviet counteroffensive beginning Nov. 19, 1942, the 6th Army surrendered on Feb. 2, 1943. The Stalingrad disaster put an end to Germany's offensive role in the Soviet Union. A tremendous blow to morale, it also deprived Germany of about 300,000 irreplaceable trained men. Captured by Soviet forces, Paulus agitated against Adolf Hitler among German prisoners of war and later testified at the International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg. After his release in 1953, he settled in East Germany.

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