Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele

Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele
born May 19, 1860, Palermo, Italy
died Dec. 1, 1952, Rome

Italian politician and prime minister (191719).

He was elected to Italy's Chamber of Deputies in 1897 and served in cabinet positions from 1903. As prime minister, he led Italy's delegation to the Paris Peace Conference, but he was unable to obtain concessions from the Allies for Italian-claimed territory and resigned. As president of the Chamber of Deputies (191925), he resigned in protest against the electoral fraud of Benito Mussolini's Fascist Party. He was president of the postwar Constituent Assembly (194647).

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prime minister of Italy
born May 19, 1860, Palermo, Italy
died Dec. 1, 1952, Rome

      Italian statesman and prime minister during the concluding years of World War I and head of his country's delegation to the Versailles Peace Conference.

      Educated at Palermo, Orlando made a name for himself with writings on electoral reform and government administration before being elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1897. He served as minister of education in 190305 and of justice in 190709, resuming the same portfolio in 1914. He favoured Italy's entrance into the war (May 1915), and in October 1917, in the crisis following the defeat of Italy's forces at the Battle of Caporetto by the Austrians, he became prime minister, successfully rallying the country to a renewed effort.

      After the war's victorious conclusion, Orlando went to Paris and Versailles (Versailles, Treaty of), where he had a serious falling out with his allies, especially President Woodrow Wilson (Wilson, Woodrow) of the United States, over Italy's claims to formerly Austrian territory. On the question of the port of Fiume, which was contested by Yugoslavia after the war, Wilson appealed over Orlando's head to the Italian people, a maneuver that failed. Orlando's inability to get concessions from the Allies rapidly undermined his position, and he resigned on June 19, 1919. On December 2 he was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies. In the rising conflict between the workers' organizations and the new Fascist Party of Benito Mussolini (Mussolini, Benito), he at first supported Mussolini, but when the leader of the Italian Socialist Party, Giacomo Matteotti, was assassinated by the Fascists, Orlando withdrew his support. (The murder marked the beginning of Mussolini's dictatorship over Italy.) Orlando opposed the Fascists in local elections in Sicily and resigned from Parliament in protest against Fascist electoral fraud (1925).

      Orlando remained in retirement until the liberation of Rome in World War II, when he became a member of the consultative assembly and president of the Constituent Assembly elected in June 1946. His objections to the peace treaty led to his resignation in 1947. In 1948 he was elected to the new Italian Senate and in the same year was a candidate for the presidency of the republic (an office elected by Parliament) but was defeated by Luigi Einaudi (Einaudi, Luigi).

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