Ondaatje, (Philip) Michael
- Ondaatje, (Philip) Michael
born Sept. 12, 1943, Colombo, Ceylon
Sri Lankan-born Canadian novelist and poet.
He immigrated to Montreal at age 19 and attended the University of Toronto and Queen'
s University.
His fascination with the American West led to one of his most celebrated works,
the pastiche The Collected Works of Billy the Kid (
His novel The English Patient (
Booker Prize;
won him international recognition;
it was followed by Anil's Ghost (
His musical poetry and prose are a blend of myth,
and other forms.
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Ondaatje, (Philip) Michael — (n. 12 sep. 1943, Colombo, Sri Lanka). Poeta y novelista canadiense nacido en Sri Lanka. Emigró a Montreal a los 19 años y estudió en las universidades de Toronto y Queen s. Su fascinación por el Oeste norteamericano lo llevó a escribir uno de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Philip Michael Ondaatje — noun Canadian writer (born in Sri Lanka in 1943) • Syn: ↑Ondaatje, ↑Michael Ondaatje • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author … Useful english dictionary
Michael Ondaatje — OC Ondaatje speaking at Tulane University, 2010 Born Philip Michael Ondaatje 12 September 1943 (1943 09 12) (age 68) … Wikipedia
Ondaatje — Ondaatje, Philip Michael, kanadischer Schriftsteller niederländisch tamilischer Abstammung, * Colombo (Sri Lanka) 12. 9. 1943; kam 1962 nach Kanada; seit 1971 Dozent an der York University in Toronto. Frühe Anerkennung fanden seine Gedichte und … Universal-Lexikon
Michael Ondaatje — noun Canadian writer (born in Sri Lanka in 1943) • Syn: ↑Ondaatje, ↑Philip Michael Ondaatje • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author … Useful english dictionary
Ondaatje — noun Canadian writer (born in Sri Lanka in 1943) • Syn: ↑Michael Ondaatje, ↑Philip Michael Ondaatje • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author … Useful english dictionary
Philip — /fil ip/, n. 1. one of the 12 apostles. Mark 3:18; John 1:43 48; 6:5 7. 2. one of the leaders of the Christian Hellenists in the early church in Jerusalem who afterwards became an evangelist and missionary. Acts 6; 8:26 40. 3. King (Metacomet),… … Universalium
Philip — (as used in expressions) Armour, Philip Danforth Benjamin, Judah P(hilip) Berrigan, Daniel (Joseph) y Philip (Francis) Carey, Peter (Philip) Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stuart Freneau, Philip (Morin) Glass, Philip Henslowe, Philip Johnson … Enciclopedia Universal
Michael — /muy keuhl/, n. 1. a militant archangel. Dan. 10:13. 2. Rumanian, Mihai /mee huy /. born 1921, king of Rumania 1927 30, 1940 47 (son of Carol II). 3. (italics) a narrative poem (1800) by Wordsworth. 4. a male given name. * * * I In the Bible and… … Universalium
Michael — (as used in expressions) Bennett, Michael Michael Bennett Difiglia Bishop, J(ohn) Michael Coetzee, J(ohn) M(ichael) Cohan, George M(ichael) Collins, Michael Curley, James Michael Curtiz, Michael DeBakey, Michael (Ellis) Douglas, Michael Dummett,… … Enciclopedia Universal