Obote, (Apollo) Milton

Obote, (Apollo) Milton
born Dec. 28, 1924, Akoroko village, Lango, Uganda

First prime minister (1962–70) and president (1966–71, 1980–85) of Uganda.

Elected to the legislative council in 1958, he led his country to independence in 1962. As prime minister he accepted a constitution that granted federal status to five traditional kingdoms, including Buganda, but in 1966 he sent troops under Gen. Idi Amin to subdue Buganda's ruler, Mutesa II, and abolished all the kingdoms. He was overthrown in a coup led by Amin in 1971 but returned after Amin was deposed in 1979 to establish a repressive government. Having neglected, despite his own often brutal policies, to quell the ethnic strife between northern and southern ethnic groups, he was again ousted in 1985. He settled in Zambia.


Marion Kaplan

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Obote, (Apollo) Milton — (n. 28 dic. 1924, aldea Akokoro, Lango, Uganda). Primero en ocupar el cargo de primer ministro (1962–70) y presidente (1966–71, 1980–85) de Uganda. Fue elegido para el consejo legislativo en 1958; condujo el país a la independencia en 1962. Como… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Obote, Apollo Milton — ► (n. 1925) Político ugandés. Fue presidente de la República en 1966 71 y 1980 85 …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Apollo Milton Obote — (* 28. Dezember 1924 in Akokoro (Uganda), Lango Distrikt; † 10. Oktober 2005 in Johannesburg, Südafrika) war der Präsident Ugandas von 1966 bis 1971 und 1980 bis 1985. Leben Obote begann seine politische Karriere zusammen mit Jomo Kenyatta in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Obote — Obote, Apollo Milton …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • OBOTE (A. M.) — OBOTE APOLLO MILTON (1925 ) Né dans le nord de l’Ouganda, Milton Obote est issu d’une famille régnante d’Ankoro. Il se voit refuser par les autorités ougandaises l’autorisation d’aller en Grande Bretagne ou à Boston faire des études de sciences… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Obote — (izg. obòte) (Apollo), Milton (1924) DEFINICIJA premijer i prvi predsjednik nove nezavisne istočnoafričke republike Ugande (1962 1971. i 1980 1985); uspostavio parlamentarnu demokraciju i uspio donekle popraviti ekonomsko stanje u Ugandi …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Obote — (Apollo Milton) (né en 1925) homme politique ougandais. Premier ministre en 1962, il renversa le roi en 1966 et fut renversé, en 1971, par Amin Dada. Il fut élu président de la Rép. en 1980 et renversé en 1985 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Milton Obote — Apolo Milton Obote Obote in 1960 2nd President of Uganda 1st Executive President 8th President of Uganda In office April 15, 1966 – January 25, 1971 Dece …   Wikipedia

  • Milton — /mil tn/, n. 1. John, 1608 74, English poet. 2. a town in SE Ontario, in S Canada. 28,067. 3. a town in E Massachusetts, near Boston. 25,860. 4. a male given name: a family name taken from a placename meaning mill town. * * * (as used in… …   Universalium

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