Jespersen, (Jens) Otto (Harry)

Jespersen, (Jens) Otto (Harry)
Jes·per·sen (yĕsʹpər-sən), (Jens) Otto (Harry). 1860-1943.
Danish philologist noted for his contributions to phonetics and the teaching of languages. Among his most influential works is The Philosophy of Grammar (1924).

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born July 16, 1860, Randers, Den.
died April 30, 1943, Roskilde

Danish linguist.

He led a movement for basing foreign-language teaching on conversational speech rather than textbook study of grammar and vocabulary, helping to revolutionize language teaching in Europe. An authority on English grammar, Jespersen contributed greatly to the advancement of phonetics and linguistic theory. His many published works include Modern English Grammar, 7 vol. (1909–49), Language: Its Nature, Development, and Origin (1922), and The Philosophy of Grammar (1924). He originated Novial, an international language.

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Universalium. 2010.

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