Niebuhr, Barthold Georg

Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
born Aug. 27, 1776, Copenhagen, Den.
died Jan. 31, 1831, Bonn, Prussia

German historian.

Niebuhr held posts in state service in Denmark and Prussia before resigning to become state historiographer. In 1810 he began a series of lectures at the University of Berlin that were the basis of his great work, the enormously influential History of Rome (181132). In it he introduced skepticism to historical scholarship, showing how to analyze historical sources, discard worthless material, and lay bare elements from which historical facts could be reconstructed, and thereby initiating a new era in historiography.

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German historian

born Aug. 27, 1776, Copenhagen, Denmark
died Jan. 31, 1831, Bonn, Prussia [Germany]
 German historian who started a new era in historical studies by his method of source criticism; all subsequent historians are in some sense indebted to him.

      Niebuhr was the only son of the Danish explorer Carsten Niebuhr. Up to his matriculation at the University of Kiel he had a solitary education that perhaps intensified his leaning toward a life of scholarship. But on his father's advice he spent over a year in England and Scotland and then embarked on a career in state service, becoming private secretary to Count Schimmelmann, the Danish minister of finance, and in 1804 director of the national bank. In 1806, at the request of Baron von Stein, the Prussian chief minister, he took up a similar post in Prussia. Two years after Stein's fall (1808), however, disapproving of Prince von Hardenberg's policy, he resigned and became state historiographer. At the same time he became a member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and was thereby empowered to lecture at the newly founded University of Berlin. In 1810 he began the series of lectures on Roman history that were the basis of his great book. In 1816 he went as Prussian ambassador to the Vatican, retiring to Bonn in 1823.

      Niebuhr's Römische Geschichte, 3 vol. (181132; History of Rome) marked an era in the study of its special subject and had a momentous influence on the general conception of history. Although Niebuhr made particular contributions of value to learning (e.g., his study of social and agrarian problems), some of his theories were extravagant and his conclusions mistaken. His permanent contribution to scholarship was his method. The failings of classical sources were already recognized, but it was Niebuhr who evolved what Johann Wolfgang von Goethe called tätige Skepsistheconstructive skepticismwhich is the root of a scientific method of criticism. It was Niebuhr who showed how to analyze the strata in a source, particularly poetical and mythical tradition, and how to discard the worthless and thereby lay bare the material from which the historical facts could be reconstructed. He thus laid the foundation for the great period of German historical scholarship.

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