
The Hindu god Shiva in his form as the cosmic dancer.

The most common images show him with four arms and flying locks, dancing on a dwarf (a symbol of human ignorance) and encircled by a ring of flames. The Nataraja sculpture shows Shiva as the source of all movement within the cosmos, represented by the loop of flames. The dance's purpose is to release humans from illusion; the place where the god performs the dance is believed to lie both at the centre of the universe and within the human heart.

Naṭarāja, dancing Śiva, Indian bronze image, 12th13th century AD; in ...

By courtesy of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

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Hindu mythology
SanskritLord of the Dance
 the Hindu (Hinduism) god Shiva in his form as the cosmic dancer, represented in metal or stone in most Shaiva (Shaivism) temples of South India.

      In the most common type of image, Shiva is shown with four arms and flying locks dancing on the figure of a dwarf, Apasmara (a symbol of human ignorance; apasmara meansforgetfulness,” orheedlessness”). Shiva's back right hand holds the damaru (hourglass-shaped drum); the front right hand is in the abhaya mudra (thefear-notgesture, made by holding the palm outward with fingers pointing up); the back left hand carries Agni (fire) in a vessel or in the palm of the hand; and the front left hand is held across his chest in the gajahasta (elephant-trunk) pose, with wrist limp and fingers pointed downward toward the uplifted left foot. The locks of Shiva's hair stand out in several strands interspersed with the figures of Ganga (the Ganges River personified as a goddess), flowers, a skull, and the crescent moon. His figure is encircled by a ring of flames, the prabhamandala. In classic Sanskrit treatises on dance, this form, the most common representation of Nataraja, is called the bhujamgatrasa (“trembling of the snake”).

 In the Nataraja sculpture, Shiva is shown as the source of all movement within the cosmos, represented by the arch of flames. The purpose of the dance is to release humans from illusion, and the place where it is said to have been performed, Chidambaram (an important Shaiva centre in South India), called the centre of the universe, is in reality within the heart. The gestures of the dance represent Shiva's five activities (pancakritya): creation (symbolized by the drum), protection (by thefear-notpose of the hand), destruction (by the fire), embodiment (by the foot planted on the ground), and release (by the foot held aloft).

      Other dances of Shiva seen in sculpture and painting are the wild tandava, which he performs on cremation grounds in the company of his consort Devi, and the evening dance performed on Mount Kailasa before the assembly of gods, some of whom accompany him on various instruments.

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