
(from Hebrew navi, "prophet" or "seer") Group of French artists who paved the way for the development of abstract art in the early 20th century.

The Nabis preached that a work of art is the visual expression of an artist's synthesis of nature and his or her personal aesthetic. They were influenced by Paul Gauguin and the Pont-Aven school, as well as by Japanese woodcuts, Symbolist painting, and the Pre-Raphaelites. Paul Sérusier (18651927), the group's founder, painted the first Nabi work, Landscape at the Bois d'Amour at Pont-Aven (also called Talisman; 1888). Original members included Pierre Bonnard and Édouard Vuillard; a later member was Aristide Maillol.

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French artists group
      group of artists who, through their widely diverse activities, exerted a major influence on the art produced in France during the late 19th century. They maintained that a work of art reflects an artist's synthesis of nature into personal aesthetic metaphors and symbols.

      The Nabis were greatly influenced by Japanese woodcuts, French Symbolist (Symbolist movement) painting, and English Pre-Raphaelite (Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood) art. Their primary inspiration, however, stemmed from the Pont-Aven school, which centred on the Post-Impressionist (Post-Impressionism) painter Paul Gauguin (Gauguin, Paul). Under Gauguin's direct guidance, Paul Sérusier (Sérusier, Paul), the group's founder, painted the first Nabi work, The Swallow-Hole in the Bois d'Amour, Pont-Aven (1888; also called The Talisman), a small, near-abstract landscape composed of patches of simplified, nonnaturalistic colour.

      Armed with his painting and the authority of Gauguin's teachings, Sérusier returned to Paris from Pont-Aven and converted many of his artist friends, who received his aesthetic doctrines as a mystical revelation. Assuming the name Nabis (from Hebrew navi, meaningprophet,” orseer”), the original members of the group were the French artists Maurice Denis (Denis, Maurice) (who with Sérusier was the group's main theoretician), Pierre Bonnard (Bonnard, Pierre), Édouard Vuillard (Vuillard, Édouard), Henri-Gabriel Ibels, Ker-Xavier Roussel, and Paul Ranson. Later, the Dutch painter Jan Verkade, the Hungarian artist Josef Rippl-Ronai, and the Swiss-born Félix Vallotton joined the group, as did two French sculptors, Georges Lacombe and Aristide Maillol (Maillol, Aristide).

      In 1891 the Nabis held their first exhibition, attempting in their works to illustrate Denis's dictum:A picture, before being a war horse, a nude woman, or some anecdote, is essentially a flat surface covered by colours in a certain order.” Although there was no unified Nabis style, the artists emphasized the flatness of the painting surface by using simplified areas of colour, patterned designs, and contours that were often stylized and decorative. For instance, Vuillard typically painted interiors with rich wallpaper and fabric designs; Bonnard was known for his interest in Japanese prints, which inspired his bold compositions and use of striped and checked patterns; and Denis favoured graceful arabesques.

      The Nabis were known for their involvement in other media; they created such varied works as posters, stained glass, theatre sets and programmes, and book illustrations. Dissensions within the group and desertions from it occurred quickly, however, and it finally disbanded in 1899. Only Vuillard and Bonnard, who were called Intimists (Intimism) because of their predilection for painting scenes of domestic interiors, and Maillol continued to produce major works of art. Although the achievements of the Nabis were overshadowed by the many avant-garde movements that dominated Western art in the decades that followed, their ideas helped pave the way for the early 20th-century development of abstract and nonrepresentational art.

ruler of Sparta

died 192 BC

      last ruler (207192) of an independent Sparta. Nabis carried on the revolutionary tradition of Kings Agis IV and Cleomenes III. Since ancient accounts of him are mainly abusive, the details of his laws remain obscure, but it is certain that he confiscated a great deal of property and enfranchised many helots (Spartan serfs). He undoubtedly was not the monster depicted by the Greek historian Polybius.

      Overshadowed by the struggle between Rome and Philip V of Macedonia, Nabis adroitly maintained his power. After the Peace of Phoenice (205) between Rome and Macedonia, he went to war with the Achaean League. The league's general, Philopoemen, rescued Messene from him and later defeated him at Scotitas in Laconia. In 197 Nabis acquired Argos from Philip V of Macedonia, who was then at war with Rome, and kept it by coming to terms with the Roman commander Titus Quinctius Flamininus (Flamininus, Titus Quinctius). But Flamininus, having defeated Philip, proclaimed the Greek states autonomous, accused Nabis of tyranny, took Gythium in Laconia, and forced Nabis to surrender Argos. He tried to recover Gythium when the Romans left in 194 but was badly defeated by Philopoemen north of Sparta. Eventually the Aetolians, as part of their scheme to precipitate war between Rome and Antiochus III of Syria, murdered Nabis and temporarily occupied Sparta.

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