Moroccan crises

Moroccan crises
(190506, 1911) Two European incidents centring on Germany's attempt to block France's control of Morocco and to restrict French power.

While visiting Tangier in 1905, the German emperor William II issued a statement of support for Moroccan independence, which caused international panic. The crisis was resolved at the Algeciras Conference (1906), which recognized France's special political interests in Morocco. The second crisis occurred in 1911 when a German gunboat arrived in Agadir, ostensibly to protect German economic interests during a local uprising. The French objected and made preparations for war, as did Britain, but a settlement was negotiated that gave France rights to a protectorship over Morocco. In return, Germany acquired part of the French Congo.

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      (190506, 1911), two international crises centring on France's attempts to control Morocco and on Germany's concurrent attempts to stem French power.

      In 1904 France had concluded a secret treaty with Spain partitioning Morocco and had also agreed not to oppose Britain's moves in Egypt in exchange for a free hand in Morocco. Germany, however, insisted upon an open-door policy in the area; and, in a dramatic show of imperial power, the emperor William II visited Tangier and, from his yacht on March 31, 1905, declared for Morocco's independence and integrity. The resultant international panic, the First Moroccan Crisis, was resolved in JanuaryApril 1906 at the Algeciras Conference, where German and other national economic rights were upheld and where the French and Spanish were entrusted with the policing of Morocco.

      On Feb. 8, 1908, a further Franco-German agreement reaffirmed Morocco's independence while recognizing France'sspecial political interestsand Germany's economic interests in North Africa.

      The Second Moroccan Crisis (Agadir Incident) (1911) was precipitated when the German gunboat Panther was sent to Agadir on July 1, 1911, ostensibly to protect German interests during a local native uprising in Morocco but in reality to cow the French. ThisAgadir Incidentsparked a flurry of war talk during the summer and fall (the British even made preparations for eventual war), but international negotiations continued, and the crisis subsided with the conclusion of the convention of Nov. 4, 1911, in which France was given rights to a protectorship over Morocco and, in return, Germany was given strips of territory from the French Congo. Spain at first objected; but, through the intervention of Great Britain, a Franco-Spanish treaty was concluded on Nov. 27, 1912, slightly revising the previous Franco-Spanish boundaries in Morocco. The negotiations of 191112 between the powers also led up to the eventual internationalization of the Tangier zone, consisting of Tangier and its environs, in 1923.

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