Mondino de' Luzzi

Mondino de' Luzzi
Latin Mundinus

born с 1270, Bologna, Italy
died с 1326, Bologna

Italian physician and anatomist.

Mondino reintroduced the systematic teaching of anatomy, abandoned for many centuries, into the medical curriculum and did dissections at public lectures. His Anathomia Mundini (1316, printed 1478) was the standard handbook for dissectors until the time of Andreas Vesalius. Though it followed Galen's teachings slavishly, with sometimes inaccurate descriptions of internal organs, it inaugurated a new era in the dissemination of anatomical knowledge.

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Italian physician
also called  Raimondino Dei Liucci, or Mundinus  
born c. 1270, , Bologna, Italy
died c. 1326, , Bologna

      Italian physician and anatomist whose Anathomia Mundini (MS. 1316; first printed in 1478) was the first European book written since classical antiquity that was entirely devoted to anatomy and was based on the dissection of human cadavers. It remained a standard text until the time of the Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius (151464).

      Mondino received his medical training at the University of Bologna, and after graduation he studied and taught anatomy and surgery at that university while actively practicing medicine and surgery. Mondino was the first to reintroduce the systematic teaching of anatomy into the medical curriculum after this practice had been abandoned for many centuries. He himself performed dissections at public lectures. Mondino's Anathomia was written in 1316 and became the standard handbook for the dissector, going through 39 editions in all. The work followed the anatomical teachings of Galen slavishly, and its descriptions of internal organs were sometimes inaccurate, but it inaugurated a new era in the dissemination of anatomical knowledge.

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