Mengele, Josef

Mengele, Josef
born March 16, 1911, Günzburg, Ger.
died Feb. 7, 1979, Enseada da Bertioga, near São Paulo, Braz.

German Nazi doctor.

Influenced by the racial ideology of Alfred Rosenberg, in 1934 Mengele joined the research staff of the newly founded Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. An ardent Nazi, he served in World War II as medical officer with the SS. In 1943 he was appointed chief doctor at Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he selected incoming Jews for labour or extermination, becoming known as the "Angel of Death," and conducted medical experiments on inmates in pseudoscientific racial studies. After the war he escaped to South America, where he died in 1979 under the name of Wolfgang Gerhard, a Nazi he befriended in Brazil and whose identity he assumed.

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German physician
byname  Todesengel (German:Angel of Death”) 
born March 16, 1911, Günzburg, Germany
died February 7, 1979, Enseada da Bertioga, near São Paulo, Brazil

      Nazi (Nazi Party) doctor at Auschwitz extermination camp (194345) who selected prisoners for execution in the gas chambers and conducted medical experiments on inmates in pseudoscientific racial studies.

      Mengele's father was founder of a company that produced farm machinery, Firma Karl Mengele & Söhne, in the village of Günzburg in Bavaria. Mengele studied philosophy in Munich in the 1920s, coming under the influence of the racial ideology of Alfred Rosenberg (Rosenberg, Alfred), and then took a medical degree at the University of Frankfurt am Main. He enlisted in the Sturmabteilung ( SA; “Assault Division”) in 1933. An ardent Nazi, he joined the research staff of a newly founded Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in 1934. During World War II he served as a medical officer with the Waffen- SS (thearmedcomponent of the Nazi paramilitary corps) in France and Russia. In 1943 he was appointed by Heinrich Himmler (Himmler, Heinrich) to be chief doctor at Birkenau, the supplementary extermination camp at Auschwitz, where he and his staff selected incoming Jews for labour or extermination and where he supervised medical experiments on inmates to discover means of increasing fertility (to increase the Germanrace”). His chief interest, however, was research on twins.

      After the war Mengele escaped internment and went underground, serving four years as a farm stableman near Rosenheim in Bavaria. Then he reportedly escaped, via Genoa, Italy, to South America in 1949. He married (for a second time) under his own name in Uruguay in 1958 and, asJosé Mengele,” received citizenship in Paraguay in 1959. In 1961 he apparently moved to Brazil, reportedly becoming friends with an old-time Nazi, Wolfgang Gerhard, and living in a succession of houses owned by a Hungarian couple. In 1985 a team of Brazilian, West German, and American forensic experts determined that Mengele had taken Gerhard's identity, died in 1979 of a stroke while swimming, and was buried under Gerhard's name. Dental records later confirmed the forensic conclusion.

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