Martov, L.

Martov, L.
orig. Yuly Osipovich Tsederbaum

born Nov. 24, 1873, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
died April 4, 1923, Berlin, Ger.

Russian revolutionary.

He first lived in Vilna, where he belonged to the Bund, a Jewish socialist group. In 1895 he and Vladimir Ilich Lenin formed the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class. After his arrest and exile to Siberia (189699), he joined Lenin in Switzerland as an editor of Iskra. From 1903 Martov supported the Menshevik faction of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party and became its leader (190507). After the Russian Revolution of 1917, he supported the Bolshevik government in the Russian Civil War but later opposed many of its dictatorial measures. He left Russia in 1920 and edited the Socialist Courier in Berlin.

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Russian revolutionary
pseudonym of  Yuly Osipovich Tsederbaum  
born Nov. 24, 1873, Constantinople
died April 4, 1923, Berlin

      leader of the Mensheviks (Menshevik), the non-Leninist wing of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party.

      Martov served his revolutionary apprenticeship in Vilna as a member of the Bund, a Jewish Socialist group. In 1895 he and Vladimir Ilich Lenin (Lenin, Vladimir Ilich) formed the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class. Martov was arrested in 1896 and spent three years in Siberia. On his return he left Russia for Switzerland, where he joined Lenin as an editor of Iskra, the voice of Russian social democracy.

      At the second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Party in Brussels (1903), Martov spoke for those who were subsequently known as Mensheviks. They opposed Lenin's attempt to limit party membership toprofessional revolutionariesand favoured the establishment of a mass party on the west European model. Martov later became the leader of the Menshevik faction (190507), frequently clashing with other Menshevik leaders as well as with Lenin; during World War I he called for a peace without victory, while Lenin hoped for the transformation of theimperialistwar into a revolutionary war.

      After the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (October 1917, old style), Martov opposed many of the new regime's dictatorial measures, but he supported the government in its battle against White Russian forces. In 1920 Martov left Soviet Russia and edited the Socialist Courier in Berlin until his death.

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