- Marceau, Marcel
French mime.After serving in World War II, he studied with the pantomimist Étienne Decroux and had his first success in the role of Arlequin in Baptiste. He formed a mime troupe (1948–64) and earned worldwide acclaim in the 1950s with his production of the "mimodrama" of Nikolay Gogol's Overcoat. In 1978 he founded a school of mimodrama in Paris. He is noted for his eloquent, deceptively simple portrayals, including his celebrated white-faced character Bip, reminiscent of Pierrot and of Charlie Chaplin's tramp. See also mime and pantomime.
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▪ 2008Marcel Mangel French mimeborn March 22, 1923, Strasbourg, Francedied Sept. 22, 2007, Cahors, Francerevived interest in the ancient art of mime through his silent portrayals executed with eloquence, deceptive simplicity, and balletic grace. His most celebrated characterization was the white-faced Pierrot-like Bip—first presented in 1947. Marceau was born into a Jewish family, and during World War II he changed his surname to Marceau and became active in the Resistance. He later studied at the School of Dramatic Art of the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre in Paris and with pantomimist Étienne Decroux. After his first success, the role of Arlequin in the pantomime Baptiste, Marceau concentrated completely on pantomime and formed a mime troupe. Worldwide acclaim came in the 1950s with his production of a “mimodrama” of Nikolay Gogol's “The Overcoat” and with successful personal appearances. Thereafter he toured internationally, and in 1978 he founded a school of mimodrama in Paris. Marceau also acted in several movies, including Barbarella (1968) and Silent Movie (1976), in which he had the only spoken dialogue. He retired from performing in 2005. The recipient of numerous honours, Marceau in 1970 was made an officer of the Legion of Honour.* * *
▪ French mimeoriginal name Marcel Mangelborn March 22, 1923, Strasbourg, Francedied Sept. 22, 2007, Cahorspreeminent 20th-century French mime whose silent portrayals were executed with eloquence, deceptive simplicity, and balletic grace. His most celebrated characterization was Bip—a character half-Pierrot, half-Charlie Chaplin (Chaplin, Charlie)'s Tramp—first presented by Marceau in 1947.He was born into a Jewish family, and during World War II he changed his surname to Marceau and became active in the Resistance. He later studied at the School of Dramatic Art of the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre in Paris and with pantomimist Étienne Decroux. After his first success, the role of Arlequin in Baptiste, a pantomime, he concentrated completely on pantomime and formed a mime troupe. Worldwide acclaim came in the 1950s with his production of a “mimodrama” of Nikolay Gogol's Overcoat and with successful personal appearances. Thereafter he toured internationally, and in 1978 he founded a school of mimodrama in Paris. Marceau also acted in several movies, including Barbarella (1968) and Silent Movie (1976). In 2005 he retired from performing. The recipient of numerous honours, Marceau was made an officer of the Legion of Honour (1970).* * *
Universalium. 2010.