
born 1012, Lhobrag, Tibet
died 1096, Tibet

Tibetan religious leader.

According to tradition, he was born to wealthy parents, and to curb his violent nature he was sent to a Tibetan monastery to study Buddhism. He later spent three periods studying under the yogi Naropa in India, returning to Tibet during the intervals and gathering disciples. A major figure in the revival of Buddhism in Tibet, he is known for his translations of Indian Vajrayana Buddhist texts and of mystical songs of the Indian Tantric tradition.

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Buddhist scholar
also called  Mar-pa Lotsawa (“Mar-pa the Translator”) 
born 1012, Lhobrag, Tibet
died 1096, Tibet

      one of the Tibetan translators of Indian Vajrayana (or Tantric) Buddhist texts, a significant figure in the revival of Buddhism in Tibet in the 11th century.

      The chief source of information on the life of Mar-pa is a 14th-century biography written by theMad Yogin of Tsang.” According to it, Mar-pa was born of wealthy parents. He had a violent nature and was sent to a Tibetan monastery to study Buddhism. Eventually he went to India, where he studied for 10 years under the Indian yogi Naropa. Mar-pa's return to Tibet was celebrated. He married, began to teach, and assumed the life of a wealthy farmer. He undertook another period of study with Naropa in India, this time for six years. When he returned to Tibet, he gathered disciples, among them Mi-la ras-pa (Milarepa). After a third stay in India, Mar-pa spent the remainder of his life in Tibet, integrating the management of his properties with the teaching of his disciples.

      Among Mar-pa's notable translations are several works included in the Bka'-'gyur (“Translations of the Word of the Buddha”) and the Bstan-'gyur (“Translations of Teachings”). He also introduced to Tibet the mystical songs (dohas) of the Indian Tantric tradition, later used with great skill by Mi-la ras-pa and his followers.

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