
Early Buddhist school in India that anticipated the Mahayana tradition.

Its emergence in the 4th century BC, about 100 years after the Buddha's death, represented the first major schism in the Buddhist community. Though accounts of the second Buddhist council attribute the split to a dispute over rules, later texts emphasize differences between the Mahasanghikas and the Theravadins (see Theravada) regarding the nature of the Buddha and sainthood. The Mahasanghikas believed in a plurality of buddhas and held that the Buddha in his earthly existence was only an apparition.

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Buddhist school
      (from Sanskrit mahāsaṅgha,great order of monks”), early Buddhist school in India that, in its views of the nature of the Buddha, was a precursor of the Mahāyāna tradition.

      Its emergence about a century after the death of the Buddha (483 BC) represented the first major schism in the Buddhist community. Although traditional accounts of the second council, at Vaiśālī (now in Bihār state), attribute the split to a dispute over monastic rules (see Buddhist council), later texts emphasize differences between the Mahāsaṅghikas and the original Theravādins (“followers of the Way of the Elders (Theravada)”) regarding the nature of the Buddha and of arhatship (sainthood). The Mahāsaṅghikas believed in a plurality of buddhas who are supramundane (lokottara) and held that what passed for Gautama Buddha in his earthly existence was only an apparition.

      The school was first located in the area of Vaiśālī and spread also to southern India, with centres at Amarāvatī and Nāgārjunakoṇḍa. Its texts were written in Prākrit. It further divided into several subsects, of which the best known was the Lokottaravāda (so called because of its views on lokottara).

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