
Collection of 11 medieval Welsh tales based on mythology, folklore, and heroic legends.

The tales have multiple authors and are versions of stories told and retold through the centuries. Among the finest are four stories known as "The Four Branches of the Mabinogi," written in the late 11th century. Some show Celtic, Norman, and French influence; "Peredur Son of Efrawg," for example, parallels Chrétien de Troyes's Perceval. Four other tales show little continental influence: "Kulhwch and Olwen," "Lludd and Llefelys," "The Dream of Macsen," and "The Dream of Rhonabwy."

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      collection of 11 medieval Welsh tales based on mythology, folklore, and heroic legends. The tales provide interesting examples of the transmission of Celtic, Norman, and French traditions in early romance. The name Mabinogion derives from a scribal error and is an unjustified but convenient term for these anonymous tales.

      The finest of the tales are the four related stories known asThe Four Branches of the MabinogiorThe Four Branches” (dating, in their present form, from the late 11th century), the only tales in which the word Mabinogi (possibly meaningMatters Concerning [the Family of?] Maponos”) appears. Of great interest to Welsh studies areThe Four Independent Native Tales,” which show minimal Continental influence and includeKulhwch and Olwen,” (Kulhwch and Olwen) “Lludd and Llefelys,” “The Dream of Macsen,” andThe Dream of Rhonabwy.” The talesOwein” (orThe Lady of the Fountain”), “Geraint and Enid,” andPeredur Son of Efrawgparallel the French romances Yvain, Erec, and Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes.

      The Welsh text ofThe Four Brancheswas edited by Ifor Williams, as Pedeir Keinc y Mabinogi, in 1930; an English translation, The Mabinogion, was published in 1949; and a new translation was included in The Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales (1977) by Patrick K. Ford.

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