Lumumba, Patrice (Hemery)
- Lumumba, Patrice (Hemery)
died January 1961, Katanga province, Republic of the Congo
African nationalist leader,
first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (
September 1960).
Lumumba worked as a trade-
union organizer before founding the Mouvement National Congolais,
s first nationwide political party,
in 1958.
That same year his militant nationalism at a major Pan-African conference in Accra,
brought him to prominence.
During negotiations in Belgium in 1960,
he was asked to form the first independent Congolese government.
His rival Moise Tshombe immediately announced the secession of Katanga province.
When Belgian troops arrived to sustain the secession,
Lumumba appealed first to the UN and then to the Soviet Union.
He was dismissed by Pres.
Joseph Kasavubu and,
a short time later,
assassinated by Tshombe loyalists.
His death caused a scandal throughout Africa,
where he was looked on as a leader of Pan-
Agence Dalmas
* * *
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Lumumba, Patrice (Hemery) — (2 jul. 1925, Onalua, Congo Belga–ene. 1961, provincia de Katanga, República del Congo). Líder nacionalista africano, primer ministro de la actual República Democrática del Congo (jun. –sep. 1960). Se dedicó a organizar sindicatos antes de fundar … Enciclopedia Universal
Lumumba, Patrice — ▪ Congolese politician in full Patrice Hemery Lumumba born July 2, 1925, Onalua, Belgian Congo [now the Democratic Republic of the Congo] died January 1961, Katanga province African (Africa) nationalist leader, the first prime minister of … Universalium
Lumumba — Lumụmba, Patrice Hemery, kongolesischer Politiker, * Onalua (Kasai) 2. 7. 1925, ✝ Elisabethville 18. 1. 1961; trat nach dem Besuch von Missionsschulen in den Postdienst ein. 1958 Mitgründer des »Mouvement National Congolais« (MNC), setzte er… … Universal-Lexikon
Lumumba — biographical name Patrice (Hemery) 1925 1961 Zaire politician … New Collegiate Dictionary
Лумумба, Патрис — (Lumumba, Patrice Hemery) (1925 1961) мелкобуржуазный националист, уроженец небольшого племени в бельгийской колонии Конго (ныне Заир). Лумумба был сторонником пан африканизма, независимого развития стран Африки. В 1960 г. Бельгия, чтобы… … Исторический справочник русского марксиста