Lucullus, Lucius Licinius

Lucullus, Lucius Licinius
born с 117
died 57/56 BC

Roman general who served as consul in 74 BC.

He fought alongside Sulla and was the only officer to take part in Sulla's march on Rome. After Sulla's death Lucullus maintained his power through intrigue. He commanded the legions that drove Mithradates from Bithynia and Pontus to Armenia and later invaded Armenia and defeated its king, Tigranes. Mutinies prevented his complete victory, and Lucullus was replaced by Pompey, whom he opposed in the Senate. His legendary hedonism and extravagance made the word Lucullan a synonym of "lavish."

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Roman general
born c. 117 BC
died 57/56

      Roman general who fought Mithradates VI Eupator of Pontus from 74 to 66 BC.

      He served in the Social War (9187) under Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Sulla, Lucius Cornelius). As quaestor in 88, he was the only one of Sulla's officers to take part in his march on Rome. He was Sulla's proquaestor in the East from 87 until his return to Italy and was indispensable in the success of Sulla's campaign against Mithradates VI, king of Pontus. He was aedile in 79 and (by special dispensation) praetor in 78.

      In 74, when Lucullus was consul, the Roman province of Bithynia was invaded by Mithradates VI. Lucullus was appointed governor of Cilicia and later of Asia and commanded Roman forces in the war against Mithradates. With five legions he drove his opponent from Cyzicus in the winter of 7473 and defeated him at Cabira in 72. By 70 the war seemed to be over. Lucullus's able financial administration alleviated the crisis caused by the war in the province of Asia by drawing up a plan that allowed the cities of Asia to pay off their debts to Roman businessmen at moderate rates. His evenhanded treatment of Asian debtors and Roman creditors earned him the hatred of the latter.

      Mithradates then gained the alliance of his son-in-law, Tigranes (Tigranes II The Great), king of Armenia. Lucullus attacked Armenia, defeated Tigranes, and captured his capital, Tigranocerta, in 69. Three mutinies by Lucullus's troops in 6867, however, forced him to curtail operations. Mithradates recovered much of his lost territory, and Lucullus's enemies carried legislation (Lex Manilia) requiring him to hand over his command to Gnaeus Pompey.

      Lucullus was prevented from celebrating his triumph at Rome until 63. In 59 he opposed the political maneuvers of Caesar, Pompey, and Marcus Licinius Crassus (called by modern scholars the First Triumvirate). Afterward he retired to enjoy a life of great extravagance. The adjective Lucullan, meaningluxurious,” derives from his name.

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