Lorenz, Konrad (Zacharias)
- Lorenz, Konrad (Zacharias)
born Nov. 7, 1903, Vienna, Austria
died Feb. 27, 1989, Altenburg
Zoologist and founder (
with Nikolaas Tinbergen)
of modern ethology.
While still a schoolboy he nursed sick animals from the nearby zoo.
In 1935 he first elucidated and demonstrated the phenomenon of imprinting in ducklings and goslings.
He later examined the roots of human aggression (
in the best-selling On Aggression,
and the nature of human thought.
His other popular works include King Solomon's Ring (
and Man Meets Dog (
He shared a 1973 Nobel Prize with Tinbergen and Karl von Frisch.
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Lorenz,Konrad Zacharias — Lo·renz (lōʹrĕnts ), Konrad Zacharias. 1903 1989. Austrian psychologist. He shared a 1973 Nobel Prize for studies of individual and social behavior patterns. * * * … Universalium
Lorenz , Konrad Zacharias — (1903–1989) Austrian ethologist Alfred Lorenz, father of Konrad, was a very wealthy Viennese orthopedic surgeon who had developed a new operation for a congenital dislocation of the femur, a common complaint of the period. He was keen for his son … Scientists
Lorenz, Konrad (Zacharias) — (7 nov. 1903, Viena, Austria–27 feb. 1989, Altenburgo). Zoólogo y fundador (con Nikolaas Tinbergen) de la etología moderna. Ya de niño cuidaba animales enfermos en el zoológico del vecindario. En 1935 fue el primero en elucidar y demostrar el… … Enciclopedia Universal
Konrad Zacharias Lorenz — Konrad Lorenz Demande de traduction Konrad Lorenz → … Wikipédia en Français
Konrad Zacharias Lorenz — noun Austrian zoologist who studied the behavior of birds and emphasized the importance of innate as opposed to learned behaviors (1903 1989) • Syn: ↑Lorenz, ↑Konrad Lorenz • Instance Hypernyms: ↑zoologist, ↑animal scientist … Useful english dictionary
Lorenz — Konrad Zacharias … Scientists
Lorenz — Lorenz, Konrad * * * (as used in expressions) Hart, Lorenz (Milton) Lorenz, Edward (Norton) Lorenz, Konrad (Zacharias) … Enciclopedia Universal
Konrad Lorenz — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lorenz. Konrad Zacharias Lorenz … Wikipédia en Français
Lorenz — /lawr euhnz, lohr /; Ger. /loh rddents/, n. 1. Adolf /ay dolf/; Ger. /ah dawlf/, 1854 1946, Austrian orthopedic surgeon. 2. Konrad (Zacharias) /kon rad zak euh ruy euhs/; Ger. /kawn rddaht tsah kha … Universalium
Konrad Lorenz — noun Austrian zoologist who studied the behavior of birds and emphasized the importance of innate as opposed to learned behaviors (1903 1989) • Syn: ↑Lorenz, ↑Konrad Zacharias Lorenz • Instance Hypernyms: ↑zoologist, ↑animal scientist … Useful english dictionary