Limosin, Léonard

Limosin, Léonard
or Léonard Limousin

born с 1505, Limoges, Fr.
died с 1577, Limoges

French painter.

The most accomplished member of a prominent Limoges family of enamelers, he is known for the revealing realism of the portraits he painted on Limoges ware. His earliest authenticated work is his Passion of the Lord (1532), a series of 18 enamel plaques after prints by Albrecht Dürer. He was later influenced by the Italian Mannerists who worked at Fontainebleau for Francis I, whom Limosin served as court painter. He was also an accomplished painter in oils.

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French painter
Limosin also spelled  Limousin  
born c. 1505, , Limoges, Fr.
died c. 1577

      French painter especially known for the revealing realism of his portraits painted in enamel.

      Limosin was the most accomplished member of one of the best-known families of enamelers working in Limoges during the 16th century. His early works were influenced by German Renaissance art; in fact, his earliest authenticated work (1532) is a series of 18 enamel plaques of thePassion of the Lord,” after a series of prints by the German artist Albrecht Dürer. This Germanic influence was later counterbalanced by that of Francesco Primaticcio, Giovanni Rosso, Giulio Romano, and Antonio Solario, Italian Mannerist painters who worked for Francis I in the mid-16th century on decorating the royal château of Fontainebleau.

      In 1530 Limosin entered the service of Francis I as painter and valet de chambre, a position he retained under Henry II. For both monarchs he produced many finely characterized portraits in enamel, among them enamel plaques depicting Henry's mistress Diane de Poitiers in various poses and characters. He executed many plates, vases, ewers, and cups, as well as decorative paintings.

      Although Limosin is best known for his richly coloured enamels, as well as his use of grisaille enamel (monochromatic enamel painting to give the illusion of sculpture), he was also an accomplished oil painter who acquired a great reputation in his day. His last signed works bear the date 1574. The most renowned of Limosin's 2,000 enamels that are not portraits are two votive tablets with 23 plaques each that he made in 1553 for the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.

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