Liao River

Liao River
River, Liaoning province and Inner Mongolia autonomous region, China.

The East Liao rises in the mountains of Jilin province and the West Liao in southeastern Inner Mongolia. They merge and flow southwest as the Liao to empty into the Gulf of Liaodong, after a course of 836 mi (1,345 km). The river's drainage basin occupies 83,000 sq mi (215,000 sq km). It is navigable by small boats for about 400 mi (645 km) from its mouth.

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      river in the southern part of the Northeast region ( Manchuria) in Liaoning province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The Liao River system drains the southern part of the Northeast (Manchurian) Plain. Its drainage area is divided from the Sungari (Songhua) River basin to the northeast by a belt of land that has been gently uplifted over geologic time, while the plain area has been gradually subsiding since the Mesozoic Era (i.e., for about the past 65 million years). The watershed area experienced intensified uplift in recent geologic time, accompanied by volcanic activity along the southern part of the divide. The plain as a whole is composed of deep layers of sediment and is extremely flat and, in places, swampy.

      The upper reaches of the Liao River consist of two main branches. The East Liao drains the foothills of the eastern mountains of the Northeast, while the West Liao, with its upper tributariesthe Laoha, Yingjin, and Xinkai riversdrain the arid uplands of southeastern Inner Mongolia. The river carries a heavy load of silt, and the volume of water varies greatly from season to season; the maximum level is attained during the summer. The gradient in the plain is very low, and the lower Liao River valley has regularly been subject to flooding during the spring and summer despite an extensive and long-established system of dikes. The river is icebound for about three months a year. The river is about 860 miles (1,390 km) long, and its drainage basin extends some 83,000 square miles (215,000 square km).

      The Liao is not important as a waterway. Its mouth, near the port of Yingkou, is constantly silting up, and it is navigable for smaller craft as far upstream as the confluence of the Eastern and Western Liao rivers. Its principal tributary is the Hun River, which flows into the Liao not far above its mouth and drains the foothills of the Liaodong Peninsula and Changbai Mountains, passing through Shenyang (Mukden) in Liaoning province.

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