Lessing, Doris (May)

Lessing, Doris (May)
orig. Doris May Tayler

born Oct. 22, 1919, Kermānshāh, Iran

British novelist and short-story writer.

She lived on a farm in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) 192449 before settling in England and beginning her writing career. Her works, which have often reflected her leftist political activism, are largely concerned with people caught in social and political upheavals. Children of Violence (195269), a semiautobiographical five-novel series featuring Martha Quest, reflects her African experience and is generally considered her most substantial work. The Golden Notebook (1962), her most widely read novel, is a feminist classic. Her masterful short stories are published in several collections. Other works include a science-fiction novel sequence, two novels published under an assumed name (Jane Somers), and autobiographical works, including Under My Skin (1994).

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  • Lessing, Doris (May) — orig. Doris May Tayler (n. 22 oct. 1919, Kermanshah, Irán). Novelista y cuentista británica. Vivió en una granja en Rhodesia del Sur (hoy Zimbabwe) en 1924–49 antes de establecerse en Inglaterra, donde comenzó su carrera literaria. Sus obras, en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Doris May Tayler — Doris Lessing (* 22. Oktober 1919 in Kermānschāh, Iran; gebürtig Doris May Tayler) ist eine britische Schriftstellerin. Im Jahr 2007 erhielt sie den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Doris Lessing bei einer Lesung auf der Lit.Cologne 2006 in Köln …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lessing, Doris — ▪ British writer in full  Doris May Lessing , original name  Doris May Tayler  born Oct. 22, 1919, Kermānshāh, Persia [now Iran]    British writer whose novels and short stories are largely concerned with people involved in the social and… …   Universalium

  • Doris May Lessing — noun English author of novels and short stories who grew up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) (born in 1919) • Syn: ↑Lessing, ↑Doris Lessing • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

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  • May — /may/, n. 1. the fifth month of the year, containing 31 days. 2. the early part of one s life, esp. the prime: a young woman in her May. 3. the festivities of May Day. 4. (l.c.) Brit. the hawthorn. 5. a female given name. v.i. 6. (l.c.) to gather …   Universalium

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  • Lessing — noun 1. English author of novels and short stories who grew up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) (born in 1919) • Syn: ↑Doris Lessing, ↑Doris May Lessing • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author 2. German playwright and leader of the Enlightenment (1729… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Doris Lessing — noun English author of novels and short stories who grew up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) (born in 1919) • Syn: ↑Lessing, ↑Doris May Lessing • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

  • may — may1 /may/, auxiliary v., pres. sing. 1st pers. may, 2nd may or (Archaic) mayest or mayst, 3rd may; pres. pl. may; past …   Universalium

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